Spanish Sentences About Requesting Help

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Welcome to Clozemaster, the ultimate platform for boosting your Spanish vocabulary with practical Spanish sentences! Our carefully curated list of 20 Spanish phrases for "Requesting Help" is tailor-made to elevate your intermediate Spanish to new heights. Each entry features authentic text-to-speech audio and accurate English translations to aid your learning. Dive into the intricacies of everyday communication and master the art of asking for assistance in Spanish. With these essential Spanish sentences at your fingertips, you'll confidently navigate any situation that calls for a helping hand. Start practicing now to become proficient in seeking support, the Spanish way!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Spanish from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Ayúdame a imprimir esto.

    Help me print this.

  • Déjame llevarlo.

    Let me carry it.

  • Ella necesita ayuda.

    She needs help.

  • Él necesita algo de ayuda.

    He needs some help.

  • ¡Escúchame!

    Listen to me!

  • Estaba desesperado por ayuda.

    He was desperate for help.

  • Me pediste que te ayudara.

    You asked me to help.

  • Necesito el destornillador.

    I need the screwdriver.

  • Necesito encontrar un cajero rápidamente.

    I need to find an ATM quickly.

  • Necesito una pomada para el sarpullido.

    I need a rash ointment.

  • ¿Podría darme algunos folletos de viajes de su país?

    Would you give me some travel brochures from your country?

  • ¿Podrías ayudarme, por favor?

    Could you assist me, please?

  • ¿Podrías limpiar el retrete, por favor?

    Could you clean the toilet, please?

  • ¿Podrías prestarme una grapadora?

    Will you please lend me a stapler?

  • Por favor explícalo.

    Please explain it.

  • Por favor, lee el cartel.

    Please read the sign.

  • ¿Puedes ayudarme, por favor?

    Can you help me, please?

  • ¿Puedo cerrar la ventana?

    May I close the window?

  • Si necesitas cualquier cosa, dímelo.

    If you need anything, tell me.

  • Tenemos hormigas en la cocina, así que tenemos que llamar a un exterminador.

    We have ants in the kitchen, so we need to call an exterminator.

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