Spanish Sentences About Transportation

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Welcome to Clozemaster, the ultimate tool for boosting your Spanish vocabulary through real-world Spanish sentences! Our carefully curated list of 20 Spanish phrases about "Transportation" will transport your language skills to new heights. Perfect for intermediate Spanish learners, each phrase comes with text-to-speech audio and English translations to guide you. Listen, repeat, and practice to master essential Spanish vocabulary and phrases that will keep you on the move. Dive into our interactive learning experience and accelerate your journey to Spanish fluency with ease and confidence today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Spanish from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Conduzco un camión de reparto.

    I drive a delivery truck.

  • El autobús se dirigía hacia el norte.

    The bus was heading north.

  • El buque se perdió en el mar.

    The vessel was lost at sea.

  • El camión estaba cargado de mercancías.

    The lorry was loaded with goods.

  • El coche explotó unos momentos después de la colisión.

    The car exploded a few moments after the collision.

  • El coste de construcción del ferrocarril era muy alto.

    The cost of building the railroad was very high.

  • Enganchó la caravana a su coche.

    He hitched the caravan to his car.

  • Este aeropuerto es fácilmente accesible en autobús.

    This airport is easily accessible by bus.

  • Este camino lleva a Hong Kong.

    This road leads to Hong Kong.

  • Este coche es espacioso y práctico.

    This car is spacious and practical.

  • Las ruedas se embarraron.

    The wheels got all muddy.

  • La vi en la estación.

    I saw her at the station.

  • Los vehículos son inspeccionados para detectar defectos al menos cada tres meses.

    The vehicles are inspected for defects at least every three months.

  • Nos topamos con ellos en la terminal de autobuses.

    We ran into them at the bus terminal.

  • Sobrevolar es muy difícil para los nuevos pilotos de helicópteros.

    Hovering is very challenging for new helicopter pilots.

  • Suelo caminar.

    I usually walk.

  • ¿Te desplazas a la escuela en autobús?

    Do you commute to school by bus?

  • Tengo un neumático pinchado.

    I got a flat tire.

  • Tomo esta ruta para ir a la escuela.

    I take this route to school.

  • Tu bicicleta es mucho más nueva que la mía.

    Your bicycle is much newer than mine.

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