Serbian Sentences About Agreeing

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Welcome to our resourceful page designed to expand your Serbian vocabulary through key Serbian sentences focused on the theme of "Agreeing". Our carefully curated list of 20 Serbian phrases, complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations, will guide intermediate Serbian learners towards mastering conversational nuances. Whether you're looking to enhance your understanding of agreement expressions or wish to practice your pronunciation, our interactive examples will provide you with the practical skills needed to communicate effectively in Serbian. Dive into the language with us and embrace the richness of Serbian vocabulary today.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Serbian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Bio si potpuno u pravu.

    You were totally right.

  • Divim se kako si mogao pristati na taj predlog.

    I marvel at how you could agree to the proposal.

  • Dogovorili§ smo se oko vremena sastanka.

    We agreed on the meeting time.

  • Glasanje je jednoglasno.

    The vote is unanimous.

  • Hvala vam što ste se složili za ovaj intervjuu.

    Thank you for agreeing to this interview.

  • Ona je nevoljno pristala na naš predlog.

    She reluctantly agreed to our proposal.

  • Ona je odobrila moj plan.

    She approved of my plan.

  • Oni odobravaju.

    They approve.

  • Ovo ima moje odobrenje.

    This has my approval.

  • Potpisali smo ugovor juče.

    We signed the agreement yesterday.

  • Pristali su na to jednoglasno.

    They agreed to it unanimously.

  • Saglasan sam da idem.

    I consented to go.

  • Slažem se sa nekim vašim mišljenjima.

    I agree with some of your opinions.

  • Slažem se sa njim.

    I agree with him.

  • Slažem se sa tobom, delimično.

    I partly agree with you.

  • Slažem se s tom izjavom.

    I agree with that statement.

  • Teorija će naći opšte prihvatanje.

    The theory will find general acceptance.

  • U potpunosti se slažem sa svima vama.

    I fully agree with all of you.

  • Uveren sam da ćeš se odlično snaći.

    I'm convinced you'll do great.

  • Veliki umovi razmišljaju slično.

    Great minds think alike.

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