Serbian Sentences About Communication

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Enhance your Serbian vocabulary and listening skills with our essential selection of Serbian sentences focused on 'Communication'! Our interactive platform at Clozemaster provides you with 20 expertly chosen Serbian phrases, complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations, to assist intermediate Serbian learners in mastering the nuances of everyday dialogue. Whether you're looking to improve your comprehension or to practice pronunciation, these sentences are curated to broaden your understanding of Serbian communication. Dive into the rich linguistic tapestry of Serbia and boost your confidence in speaking and understanding intermediate Serbian with our intuitive learning tools. Start now and make your journey into Serbian language mastery more engaging!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Serbian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Dala mi je svežanj pisama.

    She handed me a bundle of letters.

  • Da li neko od vas želi da dođe ovde i ponovi ono što sam upravo uradio?

    Does one of you want to come here and redo what I just did?

  • Ekstremisti su odbili da pregovaraju.

    The extremists refused to negotiate.

  • Izvinite zbog smetnje.

    Sorry for the interruption.

  • Ja sam to napisao.

    I wrote it.

  • Kada se ovo dogodilo?

    When did this occur?

  • Kupio sam novi telefon.

    I bought a new phone.

  • Muzika je univerzalni jezik.

    Music is a universal language.

  • Njegov uvod bio je kratak, ali informativan.

    His introduction was brief but informative.

  • Ona deluje ravnodušno na moje sugestije.

    She seems indifferent to my suggestions.

  • Ona je gluva i koristi znakovni jezik.

    She is deaf and uses sign language.

  • On je održao govor.

    He delivered a speech.

  • On je prikupio bitove informacija.

    He collected bits of information.

  • On poriče da je to uradio.

    He denies having done it.

  • Pročitao je pismo koje mu je poslala.

    He read the letter she mailed to him.

  • Situacija se promenila dramatično.

    The situation has changed dramatically.

  • Slušajte kako on hrče.

    Listen to how he snores.

  • Tom će se hvaliti svojim novim automobilom.

    Tom will boast about his new car.

  • Tražio je pojedinosti dogovora.

    He asked for the particulars of the deal.

  • Zašto tako tajnovito postupaš?

    Why are you being so secretive?

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