Serbian Sentences About City

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Master your Serbian vocabulary with our engaging list of 20 essential Serbian sentences themed around the 'City'! Each phrase comes with crystal-clear text-to-speech audio and English translations, perfect for intermediate Serbian learners. Immerse yourself in the language and elevate your skills by practicing with these contextually relevant Serbian phrases. Whether you're planning to navigate cities in Serbia or simply want to enrich your linguistic abilities, our curated sentences will help you speak like a local. Get ready to confidently converse about urban life as you delve into the rich tapestry of Serbian vocabulary with Clozemaster. Start learning today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Serbian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Duvački orkestar maršira duž ulice.

    A brass band is marching along the street.

  • Građevinski radovi su počeli danas.

    The construction work has begun today.

  • Ja živim u malom gradu.

    I live in a small city.

  • Ja živim u velikom gradu.

    I live in a big city.

  • Kiša je očistila prašnjave ulice.

    The rain cleansed the dusty streets.

  • Klupe koje su razbili vandali su već zamenjene.

    The benches broken by the vandals were already replaced.

  • Mi idemo u park.

    We are going to the park.

  • Moj otac ima mnogo uticaja u gradskoj skupštini.

    My father has a lot of clout at city hall.

  • Moj san je da posetim američke gradove.

    My dream is to visit American cities.

  • Nalazak parkinga u centru grada je tako frustrirajuć.

    Finding parking downtown is so frustrating.

  • Oni su se naselili u novom gradu.

    They settled in the new city.

  • Oni žive u predgrađu.

    They live in the suburbs.

  • Ovi radnici konstruišu put.

    These workmen are constructing a road.

  • Pitajte policajca za uputstva.

    Ask a policeman for directions.

  • Pozorište u mom kraju se obnavlja.

    The theater in my neighborhood is being rebuilt.

  • Prodavnica se pogodno nalazi u centru grada.

    The store is conveniently located downtown.

  • To je istorijski spomenik.

    That's a historic monument.

  • U našem gradu ima mnogo parkova.

    There are many parks in our town.

  • Zid je pokriven grafitima.

    The wall is covered with graffiti.

  • Živim preko ulice.

    I live across the street.

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