Serbian Sentences About Movies

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Welcome to Clozemaster's engaging collection of sentences about movies, tailored specifically to boost your Serbian vocabulary! Our carefully curated list of 20 Serbian sentences, complete with text-to-speech audio and precise English translations, offers an immersive learning experience. Dive into the cinematic world while mastering intermediate Serbian phrases essential for moviegoers. Whether you're a film buff or aiming to enhance your language skills, our interactive platform empowers you to grasp and retain Serbian sentences related to the silver screen. Start your journey towards fluency now—immerse yourself in the language of film with Clozemaster!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Serbian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Dobri filmovi proširuju naše vidike.

    Good films broaden our horizons.

  • Film ima rejting PG-13.

    The film is rated PG-13.

  • Film je baziran na istinitim događajima.

    The movie is based on true events.

  • Film je bio sinhronizovan na italijanski.

    The film was dubbed into Italian.

  • Film je počeo u 19 časova.

    The movie began at 7 pm.

  • Film se prikazuje u kinu sledećeg meseca.

    The movie is showing in movie theaters next month.

  • Kada počinje film?

    When does the movie start?

  • Mnogi filmovi prikazuju postavke apokalipse.

    Many movies feature an apocalypse setting.

  • Neživa stvorenja se pojavljuju u horor filmovima.

    Undead creatures appear in horror movies.

  • Oni idu u bioskop.

    They are going to the movies.

  • On voli gledati serije drame.

    He loves watching drama series.

  • Ostani budan dok film ne završi.

    Stay awake until the movie ends.

  • Ovaj film je mnogo duži od prethodnog.

    This movie is much longer than the last one.

  • Ovaj film je vrlo kontroverzan.

    This movie is highly controversial.

  • Ovaj film ostavlja dubok utisak na sve gledaoce.

    This movie leaves a profound reflection for all viewers.

  • Prestrašila sam se tokom horor filma.

    I freaked out during the horror movie.

  • Sinoć smo gledali DVD.

    We watched a DVD last night.

  • Večeras idem u bioskop .

    I am seeing a movie tonight.

  • Završetak filma je bio veoma nepredvidiv.

    The film's ending was very unpredictable.

  • Želim da gledam ovaj film.

    I want to see this movie.

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