Serbian Sentences About Internet

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Master your Serbian vocabulary online with Clozemaster's interactive list of 20 key Serbian sentences related to the internet, perfect for intermediate Serbian learners. Enhance your fluency with essential Serbian phrases, each equipped with accurate English translations and native text-to-speech audio. Dive into the digital world while seamlessly integrating new and relevant Serbian vocabulary into your language skills. With our carefully curated sentences, you'll grasp the nuances of internet lingo and everyday expressions, ensuring you speak Serbian like a true tech-savvy local. Start expanding your intermediate Serbian repertoire today and connect with the world in another language!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Serbian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Bezbednost sistema je bila kompromitovana.

    The system's security was compromised.

  • Bioskopi gube sve više prihoda zbog piraterije na Internetu.

    Movie theaters are losing more and more revenue due to internet piracy.

  • Brzo je pretražila internet.

    She quickly searched on the internet.

  • Dodao sam ovu veb lokaciju u svoje favorite.

    I added this website to my favorites.

  • Ja sam otpremio fotografije juče.

    I uploaded the photos yesterday.

  • Kako mogu otpremiti fotografiju na vašu veb lokaciju?

    How can I upload a photo to your website?

  • Kliknite na vezu.

    Click on the link.

  • Ljudi ovih dana mnogo pričaju o društvenim mrežama.

    People talk a lot about social networks these days.

  • Lozinka koju ste uneli je nevažeća.

    The password you have entered is invalid.

  • Naša veb lokacija privlači mnogo korisnika.

    Our website attracts a lot of users.

  • Neki komentari su zastrašujući.

    Some comments are scary.

  • Ne mogu da povežem svoj telefon na Internet.

    I cannot connect my phone to the Internet.

  • Pogledajte moj profil za više informacija.

    View my profile for more information.

  • Poslali smo vam imejl sa vezom aktivacija.

    We sent you an email with an activation link.

  • Proverava svoju e-poštu tri puta dnevno.

    She checks her emails thrice a day.

  • Razgovarali smo o ovoj temi na forumu.

    We discussed the topic in the forum.

  • Samo sam hteo da proverim svoj e-mail.

    I just wanted to check my email.

  • Stalno dobijam neželjene e-poruke.

    I keep receiving unwanted emails.

  • Šteta što ne mogu da ukapiram kako da onemogućim komentare na mom blogu.

    I wish I could figure out how to disable comments on my blog.

  • Tom je uvek onlajn.

    Tom is always online.

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