Serbian Sentences About Geography

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Welcome to our dedicated section for expanding your Serbian vocabulary through geography! Dive into our carefully curated list of 20 Serbian sentences that will transport you across the diverse landscape of Serbia, each accompanied by text-to-speech audio and English translations. Whether you're an intermediate Serbian learner or looking to polish your language skills, our phrases will enhance your understanding of this beautiful Slavic language. With rich audio guidance, master Serbian phrases related to geography, and elevate your conversation skills. Start exploring now and become fluent in the geographical language of Serbia with Clozemaster's interactive learning experience!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Serbian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Da li pingvini žive na Arktiku?

    Do penguins live in the Arctic?

  • Da li u vašoj zemlji postoje vodopadi?

    Are there waterfalls in your country?

  • Francuska je prelepa nacija.

    France is a beautiful nation.

  • Glavni grad države je direktno na ekvatoru.

    The capital of the state is right on the equator.

  • Iz njegovog naglaska pretpostavljam da je ovaj čovek Škot.

    From his accent, I would guess that man is Scottish.

  • Kamile su prelazile pustinju polako.

    The camels crossed the desert slowly.

  • Kenija je nekada bila britanska kolonija.

    Kenya used to be a British colony.

  • Kina je mnogo veća od Japana.

    China is much larger than Japan.

  • Leteli smo preko Atlantskog okeana.

    We flew across the Atlantic Ocean.

  • Leti je vruće u i vlažno u Njujorku.

    New York weather is hot and humid in the summer.

  • Možete li da pevate državnu himnu Argentine?

    Can you sing the Argentine National Anthem?

  • Ne, ja sam Englez.

    No, I am an Englishman.

  • Ona će biti preseljena na Novi Zeland.

    She will be relocated to New Zealand.

  • Ovo je najdublje jezero u Japanu.

    This is the deepest lake in Japan.

  • Planina je veoma visoka.

    The mountain is very high.

  • Rumunija je Balkanska zemlja.

    Romania is a Balkan country.

  • U ovom trenutku, more se sužava u tesnac.

    At this point, the sea narrows into a strait.

  • U Ženevi je održano mnogo međunarodnih konferencija.

    Many international conferences have been held in Geneva.

  • Vreme ovde ima svoje jedinstvene karakteristike.

    The weather here has its own unique characteristics.

  • Zastave sveta vijore se ponosno u štabu Ujedinjenih nacija.

    Flags of the world fly proudly at the United Nations headquarters.

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