Serbian Sentences About Education

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Elevate your command of the Serbian language with our comprehensive resource on "Education". Immerse yourself in the rich linguistic landscape of intermediate Serbian vocabulary through 20 meticulously curated Serbian sentences tailored to deepen your understanding of educational terminology. Each entry comes with accurate English translations and high-quality text-to-speech audio to ensure your learning experience is both engaging and effective. Perfect for language enthusiasts seeking to expand their Serbian phrases repertoire, our user-friendly platform offers a unique opportunity to master essential words and phrases in Serbian, pushing your proficiency to new heights. Dive in and enrich your vocabulary now!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Serbian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Biblioteka je odličan resurs.

    The library is a great resource.

  • Direktor ima ovlašćenje u školi.

    The principal holds the authority in the school.

  • Moje ocene su iznad proseka.

    My grades are above average.

  • Moji učenici su željno očekivali rezultate testa.

    My students have been eagerly awaiting the test results.

  • Nije se adekvatno pripremila za test.

    She did not prepare adequately for the test.

  • Ništa neće ometati njeno učenje.

    Nothing will hinder her study.

  • Njegovo razumno objašnjenje je imalo smisla.

    His lucid explanation made sense.

  • Ona je položila sve svoje testove uspešno.

    She passed all her tests successfully.

  • Ona je popularna u školi.

    She is popular at school.

  • Ona pokušava da nauči novu reč na engleskom svaki dan.

    She tries to learn a new word in English every day.

  • Ona se mučila nad složenim problemom.

    She labored over the complex problem.

  • On je osvojio nagradu za izuzetnost u svim predmetima.

    He won the prize for excellence in all subjects.

  • On je uspešno položio ispit.

    He successfully passed the exam.

  • On pada na času matematike.

    He is failing his math class.

  • Ove knjige pripadaju biblioteci.

    These books belong to the library.

  • Ovo je model ljudskog skeleta.

    This is a human skeleton model.

  • Sakupio je materijale za projekat.

    He collected materials for the project.

  • Šta znači ovaj pasus?

    What does this paragraph mean?

  • Uhvaćena je sanjareći tokom časa.

    She was caught daydreaming during the class.

  • Volim geografiju i istoriju.

    I like geography and history.

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