Serbian Sentences About Household

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Looking to bolster your Serbian vocabulary with practical phrases? Discover our exclusive Clozemaster collection of 20 essential Serbian sentences centered around the "Household" theme! Designed for intermediate Serbian learners, this resource is packed with common phrases and sentences that are crucial for daily life. Each carefully selected Serbian sentence comes with text-to-speech audio to perfect your pronunciation, alongside English translations to ensure understanding. Listen, learn, and repeat to master Serbian phrases in a household context and take a significant leap forward in your language journey. Dive into our interactive platform to expand your knowledge and confidence in Serbian vocabulary now!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Serbian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Čajnik ključa.

    The kettle is boiling.

  • Dala mi je čistu tanjir.

    She gave me a clean plate.

  • Grabi lišće u dvorištu.

    Rake the leaves in the backyard.

  • Kupio sam set stolnog platna.

    I bought a set of table linen.

  • Molim te zatvori vrata.

    Please close the door.

  • Možeš li da popraviš naš lavabo?

    Can you fix our sink?

  • Možete li očistiti toaletu, molim vas?

    Could you clean the toilet, please?

  • Na podu je bilo komadića razbijenog stakla.

    There were bits of broken glass on the floor.

  • Operite belo odvojeno od obojene odeće.

    Wash whites separately to colored clothes.

  • Ovaj stolnjak hitno treba oprati.

    That tablecloth urgently needs washing.

  • Pločica koja je pala sa krova slomila se na komade.

    The tile which fell from the roof broke into pieces.

  • Potrebne su nam više kašika za večeru.

    We need more spoons for dinner.

  • Sat je na zidu.

    The clock is on the wall.

  • Slomio sam tanjir, razbijajući ga na komade.

    I dropped the plate, breaking it into pieces.

  • Soba je bila zatrpana komadićima papira.

    The room was littered with scraps of paper.

  • Svetlo je ugašeno.

    The lights are out.

  • Tri sijalice su pregorele.

    Three bulbs have burned out.

  • U početku je imao problema sa prilagođavanjem na život u svojoj novoj kući.

    At first, he had trouble adjusting to living in his new house.

  • Vodoinstalater je popravio naš sudoper koji curi.

    The plumber fixed our leaking sink.

  • Živimo na šestom spratu.

    We live on the sixth floor.

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