Serbian Sentences About Criticizing

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Improve your Serbian vocabulary and master the art of criticism with Clozemaster's comprehensive collection of Serbian sentences focused on criticizing. Designed for intermediate Serbian learners, this resource offers 20 engaging Serbian phrases complete with text-to-speech audio and accurate English translations. Strengthen your command over the language as you learn to express critique effectively, making your Serbian conversations more meaningful. Each sentence is curated to enhance your understanding and usage of critical vocabulary, helping you to convey your thoughts precisely. Dive in and start expanding your intermediate Serbian skills today with these practical and useful examples on Clozemaster.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Serbian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Da li me optužuješ da sam lažov?

    Are you accusing me of being a liar?

  • Izgledaš kao imbecil.

    You look like an imbecile.

  • Izgledaš užasno danas.

    You look awful today.

  • Ljudi često ignorišu upozorenja.

    People often ignore warnings.

  • Nedostatak fleksibilnosti je prepreka napretku.

    Lack of flexibility is an obstacle to progress.

  • Neke novine su izvrnule vesti.

    Some newspapers distorted the news.

  • Neki članovi odbora doveli su u pitanje njegovu sposobnost da vodi korporaciju.

    Some board members questioned his ability to run the corporation.

  • Njegova odluka bila je izuzetno nerazumna.

    His decision was extremely foolish.

  • Njegove primedbe su bile veoma uvredljive.

    His remarks were very offensive.

  • Njegovo ponašanje bilo je sramotno.

    His behavior was embarrassing.

  • Njihovo ponašanje je bilo potpuno neprikladno.

    Their behavior was utterly improper.

  • On je porekao tu činjenicu.

    He denied that fact.

  • On se uvek žali.

    He is always complaining.

  • Ponaša se sebično.

    He behaves in a selfish manner.

  • Prestani trošiti novac na nepotrebne stvari.

    Stop spending money on unnecessary things.

  • Ti si moron.

    You are a moron.

  • Ti smrdiš na cigarete.

    You stink of cigarettes.

  • To je čisto gubljenje vremena.

    It is a sheer waste of time.

  • Tom je zanemario svoj rad.

    Tom neglected his work.

  • Učestvovao je u velikoj prevari.

    He took part in a big scam.

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