Serbian Sentences About Nature

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Embark on an immersive journey to enhance your intermediate Serbian vocabulary with our curated collection of 20 captivating sentences about nature. Each expression is meticulously crafted to refine your understanding of Serbian phrases, offering text-to-speech audio for pronunciation guidance and English translations for contextual clarity. Delve into the essence of nature while mastering the intricacies of the Serbian language. Whether you're a passionate language learner or a curious traveler, these Serbian sentences are thoughtfully selected to enrich your vocabulary and elevate your linguistic skills. Tune your ears to the natural beauty of Serbian and listen, learn, and repeat with Clozemaster – your ultimate gateway to fluency.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Serbian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Čopor vukova napao je putnika.

    A pack of wolves attacked the traveler.

  • Dabrovi mogu da poseku drveće svojim zubima.

    Beavers can cut down trees with their teeth.

  • Idem u park.

    I go to the park.

  • Istraživač je ušao u divljinu.

    The explorer ventured into the wilderness.

  • Kornjača je poznata po tome što se sporo kreće.

    The tortoise is known for moving slowly.

  • Kos zviždi.

    The blackbird whistles.

  • Mesečevo gravitaciono privlačenje utiče na plimu i oseku.

    The moon's gravitational pull affects tides.

  • Mi uživamo u odlasku na plažu.

    We enjoy going to the beach.

  • Možete ići u šetnju po brdima.

    You can go for walks on the hills.

  • Nastao je jak vetar.

    A strong wind arose.

  • Ne hranite patke.

    Do not feed the ducks.

  • Novi dan počinje sa izlaskom sunca.

    A new day starts with sunrise.

  • Oblak je masa pare.

    A cloud is a mass of vapor.

  • Oblak je plutao preko neba.

    A cloud floated across the sky.

  • Ovce pasu na travi u polju.

    The sheep graze the grass in the field.

  • Propadanje hrama delimično je uzrokovano kiselim kišama.

    The decay of the shrine is due, in part, to acid rain.

  • Sunce i mesec izazivaju plime.

    The sun and the moon cause tides.

  • Videli smo nešto što liči na oazu u pustinji.

    We saw what looked like an oasis in the desert.

  • Zalazak sunca će biti uskoro.

    The sunset is soon.

  • Zec je počeo skakutati po travi.

    The rabbit began to hop in the grass.

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