Serbian Sentences About Festivals

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Elevate your Serbian vocabulary and grasp the vibrant culture of festivals with Clozemaster! Our curated list of 20 Serbian sentences revolving around "Festivals" is perfect for intermediate Serbian learners aiming to enhance their language skills. Each phrase is equipped with text-to-speech audio, allowing you to hear the pronunciation by native speakers, and followed by English translations for clear understanding. Dive into the festivities and learn essential Serbian phrases to enliven your conversations like a local. Join us now and master the intricacies of Serbian sentences that will make your language journey as exciting as the festivals themselves!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Serbian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Džon je domaćin zabave.

    John is the host of the party.

  • Festival se održava svakog proleća.

    The festival occurs every spring.

  • Hiljade sveća je osvetlilo crkvu tokom ceremonije.

    Thousands of candles illuminated the church during the ceremony.

  • Idemo na karneval ovog vikenda.

    We're going to the carnival this weekend.

  • Mnogi azijati slave Lunarnu Novu godinu.

    Many Asians celebrate the Lunar New Year.

  • Na paradi je bilo mnogo šarenih zastava.

    The parade featured many colorful flags.

  • Ne uživaju svi Brazilci na karnevalu.

    Not all Brazilians enjoy Carnaval.

  • Oni nazdravljaju sa šampanjcem.

    They are toasting with champagne.

  • On se ove godine priprema za Olimpijske igre.

    He is preparing for the Olympic Games this year.

  • Ovo je posebna prilika.

    This is a special occasion.

  • Slavimo Božić sa porodicom.

    We celebrate Christmas with family.

  • Španci su poznati po svojim festivalima.

    The Spaniards are known for their festivals.

  • Šta mi slavimo?

    What are we celebrating?

  • Svaki tim je nosio svoju zastavu na stadion za finale.

    Each team carried their flag into the stadium for the finals.

  • To je jedan od najvećih letnjih muzičkih festivala.

    It is one of the biggest summer music festivals.

  • Tom je prisustvovao venčanju.

    Tom attended the wedding.

  • Tradicija je oživljena nekoliko godina kasnije.

    The tradition was resurrected after years.

  • Vatromet je završen sa glasnim eksplozijama.

    The fireworks ended with a loud explosion.

  • Žurka je bila veoma ugodna.

    The party was very enjoyable.

  • Zveckanje zvona ispunilo je vazduh.

    The jingle of bells filled the air.

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