Serbian Sentences About Disagreeing

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Unlock the power of your intermediate Serbian with our comprehensive list of Serbian sentences centered on the theme of "Disagreeing". At Clozemaster, we've curated 20 authentic Serbian phrases, each accompanied by text-to-speech audio and English translations, to enhance your Serbian vocabulary effectively. Whether you're looking to refine your conversational skills or expand your knowledge of Serbian expressions, our resource is designed to provide an immersive learning experience. Dive into the nuances of disagreement in Serbian and master the art of debate with our targeted language-building tools. Start absorbing these critical Serbian sentences and phrases today and communicate with confidence tomorrow!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Serbian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Bio je protiv verskog progona.

    He stood against religious persecution.

  • Borio se protiv rasne diskriminacije.

    He fought against racial discrimination.

  • Buba nije isto što i insekt.

    A beetle is not a bug.

  • Ja se ne slaže sa njim.

    I don't agree with him.

  • Komisija je odbila predlog na osnovu toga što je nepraktičan.

    The committee rejected the proposal on the grounds that it was impractical.

  • Moja baka je veoma tvrdoglava i nikada se ne predomisli.

    My grandmother is very stubborn and never changes her mind.

  • Moje mišljenje je nevažno.

    My opinion is irrelevant.

  • Ne mogu da pratim vašu logiku.

    I cannot follow your logic.

  • Ne možete poricati istinu.

    You cannot deny the truth.

  • Ne želim da odbijem ovu tvrdnju.

    I do not want to reject this claim.

  • Odbili ste da platite.

    You refused to pay.

  • Ona arguira samo radi svađe.

    She argues just for the sake of arguing.

  • Oni su se raspravljali o završetku filma.

    They argued about the movie's ending.

  • On je prigovorio našem planu.

    He objected to our plan.

  • On se ne slaže sa svojim rođacima.

    He disagrees with his relatives.

  • On se protivio novom planu.

    He is opposed to the new plan.

  • Što se tiče mišljenja, naši protivnici su ludi.

    In all matters of opinion, our adversaries are insane.

  • To je protiv mojih verovanja.

    That goes against my beliefs.

  • Tom odbija da radi.

    Tom refuses to work.

  • Vaši pogledi su sasvim suprotni mojim.

    Your views are quite opposite to mine.

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