Serbian Sentences About Relationships

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Step up your language learning with our engaging collection of Serbian sentences focused on relationships. Strengthen your Serbian vocabulary and grasp the nuance of interpersonal connections with practical Serbian phrases, perfect for intermediate Serbian learners. At Clozemaster, each sentence is accompanied by text-to-speech audio and reliable English translations to help you master pronunciation and context. Dive into our curated list of 20 sentences about relationships, ensuring you can converse confidently about this essential aspect of daily life. Whether you’re learning for travel, love, or personal growth, our platform is designed to enhance your skills with real-world Serbian vocabulary. Start mastering the language of relationships in Serbian today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Serbian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Ana je otkrila da je lezbejka.

    Anna revealed she's a lesbian.

  • Bob se požalio svom prijatelju.

    Bob complained to his friend.

  • Cenim tvoju podršku.

    I appreciate your support.

  • Imamo zajednička interesovanja.

    We have common interests.

  • Marija je Tomu poklonila kutiju čokolade prošaranu otrovom.

    Mary gave Tom a box of chocolates laced with poison.

  • Odbijam da me prihvati njena prevara.

    I refuse to be taken in by her guile.

  • On je ignorisao njen savet.

    He ignored her advice.

  • On mašta više nego iko.

    He fancies her more than anyone.

  • Ostaćeš bez prijatelja zbog svoje sebičnosti.

    Your selfishness will lose you your friends.

  • Par se grlio čvrsto.

    The couple embraced each other tightly.

  • Poljubi Toma.

    Give Tom a kiss.

  • Retko ga vidim.

    I see him rarely.

  • Skrivala je tajnu od njega.

    She was concealing a secret from him.

  • Ti si moj prijatelj.

    You are my friend.

  • Tom ima dve devojke.

    Tom has two girlfriends.

  • Tom je izbegavao Meri.

    Tom has been avoiding Mary.

  • Tom je Mariji poslao poruku.

    Tom sent Mary a message.

  • Tom je tajno kontaktirao Meri.

    Tom has secretly been contacting Mary.

  • Tomu sam ispričao tajnu.

    I told the secret to Tom.

  • Uskoro ćete prestati misliti na nju.

    You will soon cease to think of her.

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