Serbian Sentences About Safety

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Welcome to Clozemaster, where mastering intermediate Serbian vocabulary becomes effortless with our engaging collection of Serbian sentences focusing on the theme of "Safety." Each carefully chosen phrase comes with reliable text-to-speech audio to ensure your pronunciation is as sharp as your comprehension. Accompanied by precise English translations, these Serbian sentences will equip you with essential language skills, bolstering your journey towards fluency. Ideal for learners aiming to enhance their grasp of Serbian phrases, this page is a treasure trove for anyone looking to strengthen their safety-related lexicon. Dive into our immersive learning experience and watch your Serbian skills soar!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Serbian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Biće ti potreban telohranitelj.

    You will need a bodyguard.

  • Čuvar je ostao budan celu noć.

    The security guard remained watchful all night.

  • Da li je ovo mesto sigurno?

    Is this place secure?

  • Koristite ga sa oprezom.

    Use it with caution.

  • Moramo da budemo budni noću.

    We must be vigilant at night.

  • Na građevinskim mestima uvek moraju da se nose.

    On building sites, hard hats must be worn at all times.

  • Ne ispuštaj čašu.

    Don't drop the glass.

  • Niko drugi ne može da uđe u zgradu, jer bi se u svakom trenutku mogla srušiti.

    Nobody else can enter the building, as it could collapse at any moment.

  • On čuva svoje pištolje u futroli.

    He stores his pistols in a case.

  • Opasnost je minimalna.

    The danger is minimal.

  • Ostali smo unutra tokom oluja.

    We stayed inside during the storms.

  • Ostavio sam otključano.

    I left it unlocked.

  • Pazi na korak u mračnim sokacima.

    Watch your step in dark alleys.

  • Pazite na nožne prste.

    Watch your toes.

  • Preduzmi mere predostrožnosti.

    Take precautions.

  • Sklonite svoje pištolje.

    Put your guns away.

  • Sva policijska vozila bila su opremljena zaštitnim staklom.

    All the police cars were equipped with bulletproof glass.

  • Tom je zakopčao svoj sigurnosni pojas.

    Tom fastened his seatbelt.

  • Uhvatili su uljeza u kući.

    They caught an intruder in the house.

  • Vozači moraju da se vežu sigurnosnim pojasevima.

    Drivers should wear seat belts.

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