Serbian Sentences About Technology

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Welcome to Clozemaster, your go-to platform for mastering intermediate Serbian vocabulary and phrases through immersive learning! Dive into the world of technology with our curated list of 20 authentic Serbian sentences, complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations. Perfect for language enthusiasts aiming to enhance their Serbian skills, our comprehensive resource ensures you grasp the intricacies of tech-related terminology while practicing pronunciation. Embrace a dynamic approach to learning with our interactive sentences, tailored to help you become proficient in the language of the future. Start expanding your Serbian vocabulary in the tech sphere today and connect with the digital world in a whole new way.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Serbian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Ako nemate ovaj program, možete sada da ga preuzmete.

    If you do not have this program, you can download it now.

  • Baza podataka je vratila nultu vrednost za to polje.

    The database returned a null value for that field.

  • Da li snimate ovo?

    Are you recording this?

  • Ja sam zahvalan za tehnologiju.

    I am thankful for technology.

  • Lozinka koju ste uneli je nevažeća.

    The password you have entered is invalid.

  • Moja baterija je prazna!

    My battery is low!

  • Moj prijatelj dizajnira korisnički interfejs za novi operativni sistem.

    My friend is designing a user interface for the new operating system.

  • Možeš li preuzeti ovaj program?

    Can you download this program?

  • Napravio je robota.

    He made a robot.

  • Pošalji e-poštu.

    Send the email.

  • Povežite kontroler, molim vas.

    Please connect a controller.

  • Prenos informacija je poremećen.

    The transmission of information was disrupted.

  • Roboti mogu izdržati opasne uslove.

    Robots can withstand dangerous conditions.

  • Sem je ugušio buku svojim slušalicama.

    Sam drowned out the noise with his headphones.

  • Stavite disk u računar.

    Put the disk in the computer.

  • Telefon je pogodnost.

    The telephone is a convenience.

  • Testiramo beta verziju.

    We are testing the beta version.

  • Tom je kupio kameru i stativ.

    Tom bought a camera and a tripod.

  • Treba da postoji zakon protiv hakovanja računara.

    There should be a law against computer hacking.

  • Vaš računar će se ponovo pokrenuti nekoliko puta tokom instalacije.

    Your computer will restart several times during installation.

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