Serbian Sentences About University

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Welcome to our dedicated page for boosting your Serbian vocabulary with essential university-themed Serbian sentences. Perfect for intermediate Serbian learners, this resource offers 20 meticulously curated Serbian phrases, complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations. Hear the pronunciation of each sentence and enhance your understanding of university life in Serbia. Our interactive tool is designed to propel your language skills forward, ensuring you grasp the nuances of Serbian conversation in an academic context. Dive in and master key Serbian vocabulary and phrases vital for any student or enthusiast eager to confidently communicate in an educational setting in Serbia.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Serbian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Dva iranska profesora fizike su ubijena.

    Two Iranian professors of physics were assassinated.

  • Ja sam student.

    I am a student.

  • Marija se dovoljno pripremila za ispit.

    Maria has sufficiently prepared for the exam.

  • Moram urediti svoj istraživački rad.

    I need to edit my research paper.

  • Možete li mi pozajmiti svoje beleške iz sociologije?

    Could you lend me your sociology notes?

  • Njegova specijalnost je engleska književnost.

    He majors in English literature.

  • Ona studira inženjering na univerzitetu.

    She studies engineering at the university.

  • On studira politiku na fakultetu.

    He is studying politics at university.

  • On uči psihoanalizu za diplomu psihologa.

    He's studying psychoanalysis for his psychology degree.

  • Osnivači kompanije su se upoznali na koledžu.

    The company's founders met in college.

  • Ovaj univerzitet ima vrlo dobar nastavni plan i program.

    They have a very good curriculum at that university.

  • Poštovani profesori predaju na ovom univerzitetu.

    Respected professors teach at this university.

  • Predavanje je bilo izuzetno dosadno.

    The lecture was extremely boring.

  • Profesori su raspravljali o nastavnom planu.

    The professors discussed the curriculum.

  • Publika se sastojala uglavnom od studenata.

    The audience consisted mainly of students.

  • Radim na svojim prijavama za fakultet.

    I'm working on my college applications.

  • Studira metafizičke teorije na univerzitetu.

    She studies metaphysical theories at university.

  • Tom je došao u Boston nakon diplomiranja srednje škole.

    Tom came to Boston after graduating from high school.

  • Univerzitet nosi ime svog osnivača.

    The university bears the name of its founder.

  • Univerzitet želi da ti dodeli stipendiju.

    The university wants to grant you a scholarship.

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