Ukrainian Sentences About Apologizing

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Welcome to Clozemaster's comprehensive collection tailored for those looking to enhance their intermediate Ukrainian vocabulary! Our specially curated page features 20 engaging Ukrainian sentences centered around the theme of "Apologizing," complete with text-to-speech audio and precise English translations. These Ukrainian phrases are indispensable for effective verbal communication, helping you express apologies with fluency and confidence. Whether you're a language learner or expanding your linguistic skills, our interactive platform is the perfect tool to master the nuances of Ukrainian vocabulary and phrases. Dive in and elevate your command of the Ukrainian language with Clozemaster today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Ukrainian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Вибачте, будь ласка.

    Pardon me, please.

  • Вибачте за вторгнення.

    Sorry for the intrusion.

  • Вибачте за втручання.

    Sorry for the interruption.

  • Вибачте за дурне запитання.

    Sorry for the dumb question.

  • Вибачте за затримку.

    I apologize for the delay.

  • Вибачте за незручності.

    Sorry for the inconvenience.

  • Вибачте мене за запізнення.

    I'm sorry for being late.

  • Він був щирий у своїх вибаченнях.

    He was earnest in his apology.

  • Він вибачився.

    He made an apology.

  • Він перепросив за те, що образив її.

    He apologized for having offended her.

  • Він соромився турбувати вас.

    He was ashamed of troubling you.

  • Дякую ще раз за те, що врятували мене, знову.

    Thanks again for rescuing me, again.

  • Мені дуже шкода повідомляти вам, що вона померла.

    I am very sorry to inform you that she died.

  • Ми повинні визнати, що допустили помилку.

    We must concede that we committed an error.

  • Том зізнався, що розлив червоне вино.

    Tom admitted to spilling the red wine.

  • У зв'язку з цим, я винен.

    In relation to this, I am to blame.

  • Це була моя вина.

    It was my fault.

  • Це для того, щоб роз'яснити непорозуміння.

    This is to clear up the misunderstanding.

  • Я вам винен вибачення.

    I owe you an apology.

  • Я не мав права втручатися.

    I had no right to interfere.

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