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Streak: 190 days
Level: 179
Score: 2,138,202
Playing: 31,918 sentences
Mastered: 25,303 sentences
Ranked: 725th overall
Ranked: 105th this week
  • Français / English
    Streak: 188 days
    Level: 129
    Score: 465,196
    Playing 7,306 sentences
    Mastered 5,378 sentences
    Ranked: 274th overall
    Ranked: 85th this week
  • Français / Italiano
    Streak: 172 days
    Level: 116
    Score: 305,242
    Playing 5,439 sentences
    Mastered 3,569 sentences
    Ranked: 4th overall
    Ranked: 2nd this week
  • Italiano / English
    Streak: 0 days
    Level: 17
    Score: 4,338
    Playing 273 sentences
    Mastered 0 sentences
    Ranked: 5,199th overall
    Ranked: N/A this week
  • Italiano / Español
    Streak: 198 days
    Level: 164
    Score: 1,363,586
    Playing 18,900 sentences
    Mastered 16,356 sentences
    Ranked: 7th overall
    Ranked: 2nd this week

Following (3)

wtclark, Clozeguch, AEstrad

Followers (3)

Xicohtencatl, bit, Floria7

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