/beˈbeɾ/, [beˈβ̞eɾ]drink, to drink
A Tom no le quedaba nada de beber.
Tom had nothing left to drink.
Puedes comer y beber tanto como quieras.
You can eat and drink as much as you want.
Ella le dio algo caliente para beber.
She gave him something hot to drink.
Tom le pidió a Mary algo caliente para beber.
Tom asked Mary for something hot to drink.
¿Qué vas a beber?
What are you going to drink?
Quiero beber algo frío.
I want to drink something cold.
Deberías beber mucho líquido.
You should drink a lot of liquid.
Esta noche no tengo ganas de beber alcohol.
I don't feel like drinking tonight.
Tom no tiene ganas de beber más.
Tom doesn't want to drink anything else.
El agua verde no es buena para beber.
Green water is not good for drinking.
Es peligroso beber en exceso.
It is dangerous to drink too much.
Me podría servir algo de beber.
I could use something to drink.
Me pidieron algo para beber.
They asked me for something to drink.
Tienen que dejar de beber.
You must quit drinking.
Beber es dañino para tu salud.
Drinking is harmful for your health.
No quiero beber nada frío.
I don't want to drink anything cold.
Los habitantes de la ciudad dependen del río para beber agua.
The inhabitants of the city depend upon the river for drinking water.
Mi padre dejó de beber.
Father stopped drinking.
Quiero algo frío para beber.
I want something cold to drink.
Sus problemas lo llevaron a beber.
His troubles led him to drink.
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