/beˈbeɾ/, [beˈβ̞eɾ]drink, to drink
Beber demasiado es malo para la salud.
Drinking too much is bad for the health.
No puedo beber café.
I cannot drink coffee.
¿Qué van a beber ustedes?
What are you going to drink?
Quiero beber una taza de té.
I want to drink a cup of tea.
Déjame que te consiga algo para beber.
Let me get you something to drink.
No puede beber alcohol.
She can't drink alcohol.
Mi padre solía beber hasta tarde por la noche.
My father used to drink till late at night.
Él quiere beber algo frío.
He wants something cold to drink.
Uno puede beber demasiado, pero nunca suficiente.
One can drink too much, but never enough.
Me apetece beber algo.
I feel like a drink.
¿Es posible beber agua salada?
Is it possible to drink salt water?
Si sales a beber todas las noches, tu esposa te dejará.
If you stay out drinking every night, your wife is going to leave you.
Tenemos que juntarnos a beber alguna vez.
We must get together for a drink some time.
Tom iba a beber casi todas las noches.
Tom went drinking almost every night.
Pensé que habías dejado de beber.
I thought you quit drinking.
Esta noche no voy a beber.
I'm not drinking tonight.
Fumar muchos cigarrillos y beber mucho alcohol es peligroso.
Smoking too many cigarettes and drinking too much alcohol is dangerous.
Y para peor, últimamente ha empezado a beber alcohol.
And, to make the matter worse, he has taken to drinking.
Ella le dio algo frío para beber.
She gave him something cold to drink.
No hay nada más para beber.
There's nothing more to drink.
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