
/beˈbeɾ/, [beˈβ̞eɾ]

drink, to drink

  • Quiero algo caliente para beber.

    I want something hot to drink.

  • Quiero beber algo.

    I want to drink something.

  • Tiene que dejar de beber.

    You must quit drinking.

  • Me gustaría beber algo.

    I would like to drink something.

  • Cuando hace frío, los jóvenes no hacen otra cosa que beber.

    When it's cold, young people do nothing but drink.

  • Solía beber cerveza.

    I used to drink beer.

  • A él no le importa mientras tenga suficiente de comer y beber.

    He doesn't care, provided he has enough to eat and drink.

  • No debes beber y conducir.

    You shouldn't drink and drive.

  • Tom no tenía agua para beber.

    Tom had no water to drink.

  • A los europeos les gusta beber vino.

    The European likes to drink wine.

  • ¿Deseas beber algo?

    Do you want something to drink?

  • ¿Qué desea beber?

    What would you like to drink?

  • Mi padre ha dejado de beber alcohol.

    My father stopped drinking.

  • Agua que no has de beber, déjala correr.

    Don't be a dog in the manger.

  • Él solía beber.

    He used to drink.

  • Es peligroso beber demasiado.

    It is dangerous to drink too much.

  • Pensé que querría algo de beber.

    I thought you might want something to drink.

  • Fui a beber una cerveza con los amigos.

    I went to drink a beer with friends.

  • ¿Para beber?

    What to drink?

  • Tom se preguntaba cuánto tequila podría beber María antes de desmayarse.

    Tom wondered how much tequila Mary could drink before she passed out.

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