
/ˈkome/, [ˈ]

come, eat

  • ¿Come usted carne?

    Do you eat meat?

  • Tom no come nada aparte de las verduras que él mismo cultiva.

    Tom doesn't eat anything except the vegetables that he grows himself.

  • Come todo lo que se te antoje.

    Eat everything you wish.

  • Por favor come. Tienes hambre, ¿verdad?

    Please eat. You're hungry, aren't you?

  • Tenga cuidado con lo que usted come.

    Be careful about what you eat.

  • Come mucho.

    He eats a lot.

  • ¡Come tu sopa, John!

    Eat your soup, John!

  • Come comida rápida, muere rápido.

    Eat fast food, die fast.

  • Come y no te quedes hambriento.

    Eat, and be not hungry.

  • La mujer come pan.

    The woman is eating bread.

  • Ella come frutas o nueces como botanas.

    For snacks, she eats fruit or nuts.

  • No come pescado crudo.

    He doesn't eat raw fish.

  • Tom solo come comida orgánica.

    Tom only eats organic food.

  • Él come demasiado.

    He eats too much.

  • Tom normalmente come sólo avena para el desayuno.

    Tom usually only eats oatmeal for breakfast.

  • Tom siempre come antes de irse a trabajar.

    Tom always eats before going to work.

  • El chico come pan.

    The boy eats bread.

  • Tom se come un desayuno saludable cada mañana.

    Tom eats a healthy breakfast every morning.

  • ¿Qué come Tom de almuerzo?

    What does Tom eat for lunch?

  • Come lo que quieras.

    Eat anything you like.

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