
/ˈkome/, [ˈ]

come, eat

  • Tom comúnmente se come su almuerzo solo.

    Tom usually eats his lunch alone.

  • Tom come demasiada comida basura.

    Tom eats too much junk food.

  • ¿Por qué mi perro no come comida para perros?

    Why won't my dog eat dog food?

  • Tom tiene que tener cuidado con lo que come.

    Tom has to be careful about what he eats.

  • Miguel ya no come con tanta voracidad como antes.

    Miguel no longer eats with the voracity that he used to.

  • Come botana.

    Have a snack.

  • Mi padre no come muchas frutas.

    My father does not eat much fruit.

  • Oh, él come como un pájaro.

    Oh, he eats like a bird.

  • El hombre come alubias.

    The man eats beans.

  • Tom come arroz al menos una vez al día.

    Tom eats rice at least once a day.

  • Tom come, duerme, y respira música.

    Tom eats, sleeps and breathes music.

  • El apetito entra cuando se come, pero la sed se va cuando se bebe.

    Appetite comes with eating, but the thirst goes away with drinking.

  • Tom nunca come quiché.

    Tom never eats quiche.

  • Frank come algo de queso.

    Frank eats some cheese.

  • Come un poco de jamón.

    Have some ham.

  • ¿Esto se come?

    Is THIS edible?

  • Mi padre no come mucha fruta.

    My father does not eat much fruit.

  • Tom dijo que no come carne.

    Tom said he doesn't eat meat.

  • Allí se come muy bien.

    You can eat very well there.

  • Si Tom no se come esto, por favor, dáselo a Mary.

    If Tom doesn't eat this, please give it to Mary.

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