
/ˈkome/, [ˈ]

come, eat

  • ¡Come pedo!

    Screw you!

  • Usted come.

    You eat.

  • Tom come mucho.

    Tom eats a lot.

  • Tom solo come lo que él quiere comer.

    Tom eats only what he wants to eat.

  • Toma si tienes sed y come si tienes hambre.

    Drink if you're thirsty and eat if you're hungry.

  • Su esposo come todo lo que ella le ponga en frente.

    Her husband eats everything she puts in front of him.

  • La mujer come una naranja.

    The woman eats an orange.

  • Tom no come carne o huevos.

    Tom doesn't eat meat or eggs.

  • ¿Come Marika en los restaurantes japoneses?

    Does Marika eat at Japanese restaurants?

  • Ahora, come tu cena.

    Now eat your supper.

  • Come algo.

    Have something to eat.

  • El hombre come legumbres.

    The man eats beans.

  • Ella come únicamente carne blanca.

    She eats but white meat.

  • Mi hijo nunca se come las espinacas.

    My son never eats his spinach.

  • Come como un cerdo.

    She eats like a pig.

  • Un grillo enjaulado come tanto como un grillo libre.

    A caged cricket eats just as much as a free cricket.

  • Tom come demasiado.

    Tom eats too much.

  • Tom come la misma comida día tras día.

    Tom eats the same food day in and day out.

  • Tom pone sal en más o menos todo lo que come.

    Tom puts salt on just about everything he eats.

  • Papá no come mucha fruta.

    Father does not eat much fruit.

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