Welsh Sentences About At the Office

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Looking to enhance your Welsh vocabulary with practical phrases? Discover our dynamic resource featuring 20 essential "At the Office" Welsh sentences tailored for intermediate learners. Each entry is accompanied by text-to-speech audio, allowing you to hear the authentic pronunciation, and English translations to ensure you grasp every word. With our engaging list, mastering workplace Welsh phrases has never been easier. Whether you're aiming to impress in a professional setting or just expanding your language skills, our collection is the perfect tool for learning intermediate Welsh in a real-world context. Start speaking Welsh with confidence at the office today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Welsh from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Bu'n gweithio am sawl awr.

    He worked for several hours.

  • Cafodd ei esgusodi o fod yn bresennol yn y cyfarfod.

    She was excused from attendance at the meeting.

  • Dwi angen eich cadarnhad ar gyfer hyn.

    I need your confirmation for this.

  • Dyma fy swyddfa.

    This is my office.

  • Fy nghydweithwyr yw'r ddau ohonynt.

    Both are my colleagues.

  • Gofynnais i fy rheolwr am gynnydd cyflog.

    I asked my boss for a pay increase.

  • Mae cynnydd yn cael ei fonitro} bob dydd a'i storio mewn cronfa ddata.

    Progress is monitored daily and stored in a database.

  • Mae ein cwmni yn prosesu llawer o ffurflenni bob dydd.

    Our company processes many forms daily.

  • Mae ein tîm yn gweithio ar brosiect pwysig y mis nesaf.

    Our team is working on an important project next month.

  • Mae fy swyddfa wedi'i lleoli yng nghanol y ddinas.

    My office is located downtown.

  • Mae'r rhan fwyaf o'n gweithwyr yn ifanc.

    Most of our employees are young.

  • Rhowch wybod i mi am y statws.

    Please let me know the status.

  • Roedd hi wedi diflasu yn y cyfarfod.

    She was bored in the meeting.

  • Rwy'n arwyddo fy nghytundeb.

    I am signing my contract.

  • Rwy'n gweithio mewn swyddfa gyfrifeg.

    I work in an accounting office.

  • Rydym yn sefydlu gweithdrefnau cwmni newydd.

    We are establishing new company procedures.

  • Rydyn ni eisiau cynorthwy-ydd, yn ddelfrydol rhywun sydd â phrofiad.

    We want an assistant, preferably someone with experience.

  • Torrwch y sgwrs a mynd i'r gwaith.

    Cut the chit-chat and get to work.

  • Ydych chi'n hoffi eich cydweithwyr?

    Do you like your coworkers?

  • Ymddiheuraf am yr oedi cyn anfon yr agenda.

    I apologize for the delay in sending the agenda.

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