Welsh Sentences About Money

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Looking to enhance your Welsh vocabulary related to money? Clozemaster is your go-to resource for mastering intermediate Welsh, with an engaging collection of 20 practical Welsh sentences covering various money-related topics. Each curated phrase comes with dual benefits: text-to-speech audio to perfect your pronunciation and English translations to ensure full comprehension. Whether you're a language enthusiast or on a mission to achieve fluency, our comprehensive resource will help you become familiar with essential Welsh phrases about money. Join us to unlock a wealth of knowledge and confidently converse about financial matters in Welsh. Start your journey to mastering Welsh vocabulary with Clozemaster today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Welsh from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Arhosodd hi o fewn ei chyllideb.

    She stayed within her budget.

  • Arian parod neu gerdyn credyd?

    Cash or credit card?

  • Cynyddodd cost bywyd yn sylweddol.

    The cost of life increased drastically.

  • Dim ond cant yen oedd ganddo.

    He had only one hundred yen with him.

  • Faint mae'n gostio?

    How much does it cost?

  • Faint yw ffi y fynedfa?

    How much is the entrance fee?

  • Ffeindiodd doler ar y llawr.

    He found a dollar on the ground.

  • Gwariwyd y rhan fwy o'r arian.

    The greater part of the money was spent.

  • Gwnaeth Tom dipyn o arian yn ei ugeiniau.

    Tom made quite a lot of money in his twenties.

  • Mae ei gyllidau wedi newid er gwaeth.

    His finances have changed for the worse.

  • Mae gan yr holl drethdalwyr yr hawl i wybod i ble mae eu harian yn mynd.

    All taxpayers have the right to know where their money goes.

  • Mae hi'n ennill $20 yr awr.

    She earns $20 per hour.

  • Maen nhw'n rhannu y bil yn gyfartal.

    They're splitting the bill equally.

  • Mae'r banc yn codi ffioedd misol.

    The bank charges monthly fees.

  • Mae'r diemwnt hwn yn costio ffortiwn.

    This diamond costs a fortune.

  • Mae'r ffranc yn cael ei ddefnyddio yn y Swistir.

    The franc is used in Switzerland.

  • Mr Brown yw ein cynghorydd ariannol.

    Mr. Brown is our financial adviser.

  • Rwyf eisoes wedi talu y bil.

    I already paid the bill.

  • Rydw i angen talu y bil.

    I need to pay the bill.

  • Rydw i mewn anawsterau ariannol.

    I am in financial difficulties.

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