Welsh Sentences About Science

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Welcome to Clozemaster's immersive collection crafted to boost your Welsh vocabulary! Our carefully curated page features 20 dynamic Welsh sentences focused on the fascinating world of "Science." Each sentence comes with accurate English translations, ensuring a seamless learning experience. Whether you're at an intermediate Welsh level or eager to refine your linguistic skills, these engaging Welsh phrases come with high-quality text-to-speech audio to perfect your pronunciation. Dive into the realm of science and elevate your command of the Welsh language by practicing with our informative, audio-rich sentences. Start mastering essential Welsh vocabulary today with Clozemaster's interactive learning platform!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Welsh from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Byddwn yn archwilio pob planed sy'n mynd o amgylch yr haul.

    We will explore every planet that goes around the sun.

  • Cadarnhaodd y canlyniad fy namcaniaeth.

    The result confirmed my hypothesis.

  • Cafodd yr organau hyn eu gwneud mewn tiwbiau prawf.

    These organs were made in test tubes.

  • Defnyddir gwifrau i gludo trydan.

    Wires are used to convey electricity.

  • Doedden nhw ddim yn gallu esbonio'r anomaledd yn y data.

    They couldn't explain the anomaly in the data.

  • Dyma canlyniad ein hymchwil.

    This is the outcome of our research.

  • Heb newid enynnau ar hap, ni fyddai unrhyw esblygiad.

    Without the random mutation of genes, there would be no evolution.

  • Mae aer yn cynnwys nitrogen ac ocsigen yn bennaf.

    Air is mainly composed of nitrogen and oxygen.

  • Mae difodiant yn rhan o esblygiad.

    Extinction is part of evolution.

  • Mae disgyrchiant rhwymo y planedau i'r haul.

    Gravity binds the planets to the sun.

  • Mae dŵr yn hylif.

    Water is a liquid.

  • Mae e'n gweithio yn y labordi.

    He works in the lab.

  • Mae maint y bydysawd yn annychmygadwy.

    The size of the universe is unimaginable.

  • Mae moleciwl yn cynnwys atomau.

    A molecule is made up of atoms.

  • Mae'r estroniaid hyn eisiau caethiwo dynoliaeth.

    These aliens want to enslave humanity.

  • Mae'r haul yn fwy llachar na'r lleuad.

    The sun is brighter than the moon.

  • Mae'r hylif tryloyw hwn yn cynnwys gwenwyn.

    This transparent liquid contains poison.

  • Mae wifrau yn cario trydan.

    Wires carry electricity.

  • Roedd y diemwnt yn graig solet.

    The diamond was a solid rock.

  • Ydych chi'n gwybod pwy ddyfeisiodd y microsgop?

    Do you know who invented the microscope?

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