Welsh Sentences About Time

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Master your Welsh vocabulary and enhance your understanding of time-related Welsh phrases with Clozemaster. Our curated collection of 20 sentences about 'Time' in Welsh is perfect for intermediate Welsh learners looking to broaden their linguistic skills. Each Welsh sentence comes equipped with text-to-speech audio to ensure proper pronunciation, along with English translations to help you grasp the meaning instantly. Dive into our interactive learning platform and reinforce your knowledge of critical Welsh vocabulary terms, sentences, and phrases. Start conversing like a native speaker and keep track of the time with confidence in Welsh!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Welsh from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Anfonir nwyddau ar ôl mis o archebu.

    Delivery of goods is done after a month of placing the order.

  • Arhosodd hi am dau wythnos.

    She stayed for two weeks.

  • Byddai hi'n fodlon i ddod, ond roedd hi ar wyliau.

    She would willingly come, but she was on vacation.

  • Bydd e yma cyn bo hir.

    He'll be here presently.

  • Bydd yn cyrraedd yn y bore dydd Mawrth.

    He will arrive on Tuesday morning.

  • Cymerwch yr amser i fyfyrio.

    Take the time to reflect.

  • Dechreuodd hi ddeg munud yn ôl.

    She started ten minutes ago.

  • Des i nôl o Ewrop yn Medi.

    I got back from Europe in September.

  • Edrychodd hi'n gyflym ar ei oriawr.

    She quickly glanced at her watch.

  • Faint o ddyddiau y bydd yn ei gymryd nes bod y chwyddo yn mynd i lawr?

    How many days will it take until the swelling goes down?

  • Gadawodd y trên am ddau, yn cyrraedd Rhufain am bedwar.

    The train left at two, reaching Rome at four.

  • Go brin fod Kate yn dathlu ei phenblwydd.

    Kate hardly ever celebrates her birthday.

  • Go brin fod Tom byth yn hwyr am apwyntiadau.

    Tom is hardly ever late for appointments.

  • Gwnaeth e loncian am gyfnod o ugain munud.

    He jogged for an interval of twenty minutes.

  • Mae'n ymarfer chwarae'r gitâr yn ystod y nos.

    He practices playing the guitar far into the night.

  • Parhaodd eu gelyniaeth am flynyddoedd lawer.

    Their enmity lasted for many years.

  • Prin oedd y gêm wedi dechrau pan wnaethon nhw sgorio y pwynt cyntaf.

    The game had hardly started when they scored the first point.

  • Pryd mae eich pen-blwydd?

    When is your birthday?

  • Pryd mae'n rhaid i mi fynd ar fwrdd y llong?

    When must I go on board?

  • Pryd mae'r ymadawiad nesaf?

    When is the next departure?

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