German Sentences About Fitness

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Welcome to Clozemaster, your ultimate destination for boosting your German vocabulary with our comprehensive list of 20 fitness-focused German sentences. Perfect for intermediate German learners, our collection not only provides valuable German phrases related to staying in shape but also enhances your linguistic skills with text-to-speech audio and English translations. Dive into the world of German language learning as you familiarize yourself with essential fitness terminology and expressions. Whether you're hitting the gym or simply looking to expand your German vocabulary, our engaging and interactive German sentences will keep you motivated on your language learning journey. Start mastering intermediate German today and say 'ja' to fitness fluency!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the German from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Das Trainingsprogramm ist extrem anspruchsvoll.

    The workout routine is extremely rigorous.

  • Diese Übung ist einfacher, als ich dachte.

    This exercise is simpler than I thought.

  • Einige Läufer trinken Wasser, während sie laufen.

    Some runners drink water as they are running.

  • Er ist ein geschickter Yogi.

    He is a skilled yogi.

  • Er joggte für ein Intervall von zwanzig Minuten.

    He jogged for an interval of twenty minutes.

  • Er kann tausend Meter in vier Minuten laufen.

    He can run a thousand meters in four minutes.

  • Er läuft drinnen.

    He is running indoors.

  • Er liebt es, morgens Rad zu fahren.

    He loves cycling in the morning.

  • Er macht täglich Sport.

    He exercises on a daily basis.

  • Er trainiert für den Marathon.

    He is training for the marathon.

  • Ich laufe morgens.

    I run in the mornings.

  • Ich mache Yoga.

    I do yoga.

  • Ihre Muskeln tun weh.

    Their muscles are sore.

  • Sie kann skaten.

    She can skate.

  • Sie konnte nach dem Laufen kaum noch gehen.

    She could barely walk after running.

  • Sie läuft oft im Park.

    She often runs in the park.

  • Sie schwimmt gut.

    She swims well.

  • Sie sind im Marathon gegeneinander angetreten.

    They competed in the marathon.

  • Tom kann schwere Gewichte heben.

    Tom can lift heavy weights.

  • Tom sprang in den Pool.

    Tom dove into the pool.

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