Indonesian Sentences About Art

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Discover the beauty of art while enhancing your Indonesian vocabulary with Clozemaster. This page features 20 carefully curated Indonesian sentences about "Art," perfect for learners aiming to elevate their language skills to an intermediate level. Each sentence comes with text-to-speech audio and English translations to ensure a comprehensive learning experience. Use these authentic Indonesian phrases to deepen your understanding and appreciation of the language. Whether you're mastering Indonesian for travel, culture, or personal growth, our resource is your go-to for practical language application. Start exploring Indonesian sentences and immerse yourself in the world of art today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Indonesian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Dia adalah seniman paling berbakat yang kukenal.

    She's the most talented artist I know.

  • Dia akan tampil di konser tersebut.

    She will perform at the concert.

  • Dia beralih ke penulisan puisi sebagai semacam hiburan.

    She turned to her writing of poetry as a kind of consolation.

  • Dia melongo melihat lukisan itu.

    He was gawking at the painting.

  • Dia suka melukis tetapi benci menggambar.

    She loves painting but hates drawing.

  • Dinding kamarnya dipenuhi dengan poster.

    The walls of her room were covered in posters.

  • Dindingnya dipenuhi dengan coretan.

    The wall is covered with graffiti.

  • Drama ini didasarkan pada kejadian nyata.

    The play is based on true events.

  • Gaya ilustratornya cukup aneh.

    The illustrator's style is quite whimsical.

  • Ia adalah seorang seniman yang eksentrik.

    He is an eccentric artist.

  • Kami memberikan tepuk tangan kepada sang pemain.

    We gave the performer a clap.

  • Komedian itu sangat lucu.

    That comedian is very funny.

  • Kreasi terbarunya adalah sebuah mahakarya.

    His latest creation is a masterpiece.

  • Museum ini memiliki tampilan seni yang menakjubkan.

    The museum had a stunning display of art.

  • Orang suci selalu digambarkan dengan lingkaran cahaya di atas kepala mereka.

    Saints are always depicted with a halo over their heads.

  • Percakapan ini adalah sebuah mahakarya.

    This conversation is a masterpiece.

  • Puisi ini ditulis oleh seorang penyair tanpa nama.

    This poem was written by a nameless poet.

  • Semua orang bertepuk tangan atas penampilannya.

    Everyone was applauding his performance.

  • Seniman menciptakan patung yang menakjubkan.

    The artist creates stunning sculptures.

  • Tom melihat pameran tersebut.

    Tom saw the exhibits.

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