Indonesian Sentences About Education

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Boost your Indonesian vocabulary and enhance your language skills with Clozemaster's curated list of 20 Indonesian sentences about "Education." Ideal for intermediate Indonesian learners, this page offers a rich selection of phrases accompanied by English translations and high-quality text-to-speech audio. Whether you're preparing for a trip to Indonesia or simply expanding your linguistic repertoire, these sentences provide practical examples to improve comprehension and pronunciation. Dive into real-life Indonesian phrases that capture the essence of educational contexts and elevate your learning experience. Perfect for anyone looking to master Indonesian sentences and bring their intermediate skills to the next level.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Indonesian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Aku suka geografi dan sejarah.

    I like geography and history.

  • Apakah Anda sudah selesai menulis tesis Anda?

    Have you finished writing your thesis?

  • Apa maksud dari paragraf ini?

    What does this paragraph mean?

  • Buku-buku ini adalah milik perpustakaan.

    These books belong to the library.

  • Dia asyik dengan penelitiannya.

    He is absorbed in his research.

  • Dia bekerja keras untuk mengatasi masalah yang kompleks.

    She labored over the complex problem.

  • Dia gagal dalam pelajaran matematika.

    He is failing his math class.

  • Dia mencoba mempelajari kata baru dalam bahasa Inggris setiap hari.

    She tries to learn a new word in English every day.

  • Dia menjawab dengan salah dan tidak mendapat poin.

    He answered incorrectly and received no points.

  • Dia populer di sekolah.

    She is popular at school.

  • Dia tertangkap basah sedang melamun selama kelas berlangsung.

    She was caught daydreaming during the class.

  • Dia tidak mempersiapkan diri dengan baik untuk menghadapi ujian tersebut.

    She did not prepare adequately for the test.

  • Ini adalah model kerangka manusia.

    This is a human skeleton model.

  • Izinkan aku menjelaskannya dengan diagram.

    Let me explain it with a diagram.

  • Kami harus mencoba mengurangi kerumitannya.

    We have to try to reduce its complexity.

  • Kepala sekolah memegang otoritas di sekolah.

    The principal holds the authority in the school.

  • Murid-muridku sudah tidak sabar menunggu hasil tes.

    My students have been eagerly awaiting the test results.

  • Penjelasannya yang gamblang sangat masuk akal.

    His lucid explanation made sense.

  • Perpustakaan adalah sumber daya yang hebat.

    The library is a great resource.

  • Tidak ada yang akan menghalangi studinya.

    Nothing will hinder her study.

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