Indonesian Sentences About School
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Welcome to Clozemaster's curated list of 20 essential sentences about "School" in Indonesian, designed to elevate your Indonesian vocabulary to an intermediate level. Dive into a rich collection of Indonesian sentences and phrases, each complete with text-to-speech audio and precise English translations. Whether you're practicing Indonesian for travel, education, or personal growth, this page offers a practical way to boost your linguistic skills. Explore these Indonesian phrases and reinforce your understanding of everyday vocabulary in a school setting. Perfect for anyone eager to learn Indonesian effectively and efficiently. Start expanding your Indonesian vocabulary today!
Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Indonesian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.
Apakah Anda menyukai teman sekelas Anda?
Do you like your classmates?
Berpakaianlah dan pergilah ke sekolah.
Get dressed and go to school.
Dia dikeluarkan dari sekolah.
He was expelled from school.
Dia sedang belajar untuk ujian.
He was studying for the exam.
Guru mendekati ruang kelas secara perlahan.
The teacher approaches the classroom slowly.
Hari ini, kita akan mempelajari pembentukan Bumi.
Today, we are going to study the formation of the Earth.
Kami berjalan satu mil ke sekolah.
We walked a mile to school.
Kamu pergi ke sekolah.
You go to school.
Kepala sekolah memegang otoritas di sekolah.
The principal holds the authority in the school.
Kita harus membersihkan ruang kelas kita.
We must clean our classroom.
Murid-muridku sudah tidak sabar menunggu hasil tes.
My students have been eagerly awaiting the test results.
Para siswa memiliki sikap yang tidak bersahabat dengan guru.
The students had hostile attitudes toward the teacher.
Para siswa sedang istirahat sekarang.
The students are having a recess now.
Saat aku masih sekolah, aku sangat benci menulis esai.
When I was in school, I really hated writing essays.
Sam adalah teman sekelasku di kelas biologi.
Sam is my classmate in biology.
Saya bekerja keras untuk mendapatkan nilai yang bagus di sekolah.
I worked hard for a good grade in school.
Saya menangkap apa yang dijelaskan oleh guru saya.
I caught on to what the teacher was explaining.
Sekolah dimulai pada pukul 9 pagi.
School begins at 9 AM.
Sekolah ini tidak memiliki pemanas ruangan.
This school has no heating.
Tom selalu mengerjakan tugas sekolahnya dengan tekun.
Tom always does his schoolwork diligently.
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