Italian Sentences About Clothes

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Enhance your Italian vocabulary with our curated list of 20 engaging sentences about "Clothes" on Clozemaster. Perfect for intermediate Italian learners, this resource features text-to-speech audio and precise English translations, allowing you to effortlessly master essential Italian phrases and enrich your conversational skills. Our selection of sentences not only improves your language comprehension but also boosts your confidence in using everyday Italian expressions. Dive into these carefully chosen examples to elevate your understanding and fluency. Explore this page to expand your vocabulary and take a significant step towards reaching your intermediate Italian learning goals.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Italian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Allenta la tua cravatta.

    Loosen your tie.

  • Hai finito di vestirti?

    Have you finished dressing?

  • Ha sistemato il suo polso della camicia.

    He adjusted his shirt cuff.

  • Ha stretto la sua cintura.

    He tightened his belt.

  • Ho usato troppa candeggina e ho fatto un buco nella mia maglietta.

    I used too much bleach and made a hole in my shirt.

  • I calzini e le scarpe da ginnastica sono nuove.

    The socks and sneakers are new.

  • Il dottore indossava un camice bianco sopra un completo blu.

    The doctor was in a white gown over a blue suit.

  • Indossava diamanti scintillanti.

    She was wearing sparkling diamonds.

  • I vestiti spesso si restringono quando vengono lavati in modo improprio.

    Clothes often shrink when improperly washed.

  • La fascia per capelli è molto elastica.

    The headband is very elastic.

  • Le cuciture dei miei pantaloni si stanno strappando.

    The seams of my pants are ripping.

  • Oggi indossava un completo grigio.

    He wore a gray suit today.

  • Potresti passare per un adolescente se indossassi una maglietta.

    You could pass for a teenager if you wore a T-shirt.

  • Quanti cappelli possiedi?

    How many hats do you own?

  • Quel vestito si abbina ai suoi capelli rossi.

    That dress matches her red hair.

  • Questo impermeabile è disponibile in tutte le taglie.

    This raincoat comes in all sizes.

  • Questo tessuto è davvero liscio e setoso.

    This cloth is really smooth and silky.

  • Tom ha abbottonato il suo cappotto.

    Tom buttoned up his coat.

  • Tom ha comprato nuovi lacci per le sue scarpe.

    Tom bought new laces for his shoes.

  • Tom sta provando delle scarpe.

    Tom is trying on shoes.

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