Italian Sentences About Communication
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Enhance your Italian vocabulary with Clozemaster's curated list of 20 essential sentences about "Communication" in Italian. Perfect for intermediate Italian learners, this resource offers practical Italian sentences and phrases to elevate your language skills. Each sentence comes with text-to-speech audio and English translations, providing a comprehensive learning experience. Whether you’re looking to diversify your vocabulary, improve pronunciation, or gain confidence in everyday conversations, these Italian sentences will help you master the nuances of communication. Explore this page and deepen your understanding of Italian expressions, all tailored to augment your language journey effectively and enjoyably.
Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Italian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.
La musica è un linguaggio universale.
Music is a universal language.
La situazione è cambiata drasticamente.
The situation has changed dramatically.
La sua introduzione è stata breve ma informativa.
His introduction was brief but informative.
La sua segretaria ha negato di aver divulgato le informazioni.
His secretary denied leaking the information.
Lei è sorda e usa il linguaggio dei segni.
She is deaf and uses sign language.
Le regole sono fatte per essere infrante.
Rules are meant to be broken.
L'ho scritto.
I wrote it.
Lui ha letto la lettera che lei gli ha spedito.
He read the letter she mailed to him.
Lui ha pronunciato un discorso.
He delivered a speech.
Lui raccolse frammenti di informazioni.
He collected bits of information.
Metterai le tue domande in forma scritta?
Will you put your questions in written form?
Mi ha consegnato un mazzo di lettere.
She handed me a bundle of letters.
Mi scuso per l'interruzione.
Sorry for the interruption.
Nessuno ama i venditori scortesi.
Nobody likes impolite salesmen.
Non aver paura di fallire.
Don't be afraid to fail.
Perché sei così riservato?
Why are you being so secretive?
Per favore, raccontami la tua storia.
Please tell me your story.
Qualcuno di voi vuole venire qui e rifare quello che ho appena fatto?
Does one of you want to come here and redo what I just did?
Quando è avvenuto questo?
When did this occur?
Tom si vanta della sua nuova macchina.
Tom will boast about his new car.
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