Italian Sentences About Cooking

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Enhance your Italian vocabulary and boost your language skills with our curated list of 20 sentences about "Cooking" on Clozemaster. Perfect for intermediate Italian learners, this page offers engaging Italian sentences and phrases complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations. Dive into the culinary world while mastering Italian vocabulary essential for real-world conversations. Whether you're passionate about food or simply looking to expand your linguistic range, these Italian phrases are designed to improve fluency and comprehension. Explore the intersection of language and cuisine, and elevate your intermediate Italian proficiency with Clozemaster's interactive approach.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Italian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Cosa intendi dicendo che hai fatto cadere il mestolo nella pentola?

    What do you mean you dropped the ladle in the pot?

  • Cucino bistecca sul barbecue.

    I cook steaks on the barbeque.

  • Ha preparato una salsa di mirtilli rossi per accompagnare l'anatra.

    He made a cranberry sauce to accompany the duck.

  • Ieri, ho preparato dei pasticcini con i funghi.

    Yesterday, I baked pastries with mushrooms.

  • I noccioli delle pesche sono difficili da rimuovere.

    The peach pits are difficult to remove.

  • L'acqua si congela a zero Celsius, giusto?

    Water freezes at zero Celsius, right?

  • La quantità di farina è sufficiente.

    The quantity of flour is sufficient.

  • Le conserve devono essere conservati in un barattolo con una chiusura ermetica.

    Preserves must be stored in a jar with an airtight seal.

  • Le serviva il doppio della quantità di farina per la ricetta della torta.

    She needed double the amount of flour for the cake recipe.

  • Lui ha mescolato lo zucchero con il latte.

    He mixed sugar with milk.

  • Per fare una torta, hai bisogno di uova, burro e zucchero.

    To make a tart, you need eggs, butter, and sugar.

  • Sai cucinare una frittata?

    Can you cook an omelet?

  • Spremi le arance per fare del succo fresco.

    Please squeeze the oranges to make some fresh juice.

  • Stava grigliando sopra il carbone.

    He was grilling over charcoal.

  • Ti sei ricordato di spegnere il fornello?

    Did you remember to turn the cooker off?

  • Tom ha tritato la lattuga.

    Tom shredded the lettuce.

  • Tom si è preparato un panino al burro di arachidi.

    Tom made himself a peanut butter sandwich.

  • Tom sta grigliando la carne.

    Tom is grilling meat.

  • Un cuoco esperto gli ha insegnato a cucinare.

    An experienced chef taught him cooking.

  • Usa un setaccio per scolare la pasta.

    Use a sieve to drain the pasta.

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