Italian Sentences About Household
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Enhance your Italian vocabulary with Clozemaster's list of 20 essential sentences about "Household" in Italian. Perfect for those looking to improve their intermediate Italian, this curated collection features Italian sentences and phrases accompanied by text-to-speech audio and English translations. Whether you're expanding your language skills for travel, work, or personal growth, these practical sentences will help you integrate everyday vocabulary into your conversations. Dive into real-life contexts and boost your language proficiency effortlessly. Visit Clozemaster today and start mastering these important Italian phrases to take your language skills to the next level!
Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Italian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.
Abbiamo bisogno di più cucchiai per cena.
We need more spoons for dinner.
C'erano pezzi di vetro rotto sul pavimento.
There were bits of broken glass on the floor.
Feci cadere il piatto, rompendolo in pezzi.
I dropped the plate, breaking it into pieces.
Ho comprato un set di biancheria da tavola.
I bought a set of table linen.
L'acqua nel bollitore sta bollendo.
The kettle is boiling.
La tegola che è caduta dal tetto si è rotta in pezzi.
The tile which fell from the roof broke into pieces.
Lava i bianchi separatamente dai vestiti colorati.
Wash whites separately to colored clothes.
La valvola principale è stata chiusa.
The main valve is turned off.
Le luci sono spente.
The lights are out.
L'ho messo nel cassetto.
I put it in the drawer.
Per favore chiudi la porta.
Please close the door.
Potresti pulire il water, per favore?
Could you clean the toilet, please?
Quante scodelle abbiamo?
How many bowls do we have?
Quella tovaglia ha urgentemente bisogno di essere lavata.
That tablecloth urgently needs washing.
Rastrella le foglie nel cortile.
Rake the leaves in the backyard.
Sblocca l'armadietto con questa chiave.
Unlock the cabinet with this key.
Tom è nel seminterrato.
Tom is in the basement.
Tre lampadine si sono bruciate.
Three bulbs have burned out.
Viviamo al sesto piano.
We live on the sixth floor.
Voglio dieci piatti.
I want ten plates.
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