Italian Sentences About Love

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Enhance your Italian vocabulary with Clozemaster's curated list of 20 engaging Italian sentences about "Love." Perfect for intermediate learners, this resource offers both text-to-speech audio and English translations to refine your listening and comprehension skills. Explore authentic Italian phrases that capture the essence of love while boosting your language proficiency. Whether you're seeking to improve conversational fluency or expand your Italian vocabulary, these sentences provide a captivating and educational experience. Discover the beauty of love expressed in Italian and elevate your learning journey with phrases that resonate both intellectually and emotionally. Dive into the world of Italian expressions today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Italian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Adoro viaggiare in treno attraverso il paese.

    I love riding trains across the country.

  • Amo cucinare la pasta.

    I love cooking pasta.

  • Amo i romanzi.

    I love romance novels.

  • Amo viaggiare in nuovi paesi.

    I love traveling to new countries.

  • È triste non essere amati, ma è molto più triste non essere in grado di amare.

    It is sad not to be loved, but it is much sadder not to be able to love.

  • Il mio amore non sparirà mai.

    My love will never disappear.

  • L'amore non conosce limiti.

    Love knows no limits.

  • L'amore non è mai senza gelosia.

    Love is never without jealousy.

  • L'amore senza dolore non può esistere.

    Love without sorrow cannot be.

  • L'amore vince su tutto.

    Love conquers all.

  • Lei ama i suoi corsi universitari.

    She loves her college courses.

  • Lei amava veramente il suo caro amico.

    She truly loved her dear friend.

  • Lui adora assolutamente la musica reggae.

    He absolutely loves reggae music.

  • Lui intendeva sposarla.

    He intended to marry her.

  • Lui la amava con tutto il suo cuore.

    He loved her with all his heart.

  • Mary è la mia fidanzata.

    Mary is my fiancée.

  • Mio caro, mi sei mancato.

    My dear, I've missed you.

  • Tom ama l'architettura.

    Tom loves architecture.

  • Tom la baciò sulla guancia.

    Tom kissed her on the cheek.

  • Tu sei il mio raggio di sole.

    You are my sunshine.

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