Portuguese Sentences About Apologizing

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Welcome to our exclusive resource crafted to boost your Portuguese vocabulary through practical learning. Our list of 20 essential Portuguese sentences centered on "Apologizing" is perfect for intermediate Portuguese learners aiming to enhance their communicative proficiency. Each phrase is outfitted with text-to-speech audio for accurate pronunciation and comes with English translations for understanding. Dive into our trove of Portuguese phrases to empower your language skills and gain the confidence to navigate any situation where an apology is due. Say "desculpa" like a native and enrich your language journey with Clozemaster's engaging audio-enhanced Portuguese sentences. Start mastering the art of apology in Portuguese now!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Portuguese from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Desculpe, minha cabeça estava em outro lugar.

    Sorry, my mind was elsewhere.

  • Desculpe pela intrusão.

    Sorry for the intrusion.

  • Devemos admitir que cometemos um erro.

    We must concede that we committed an error.

  • Ele estava com vergonha de incomodá-lo.

    He was ashamed of troubling you.

  • Ele fez um pedido de desculpas.

    He made an apology.

  • Ele foi sincero no seu pedido de desculpas.

    He was earnest in his apology.

  • Ele pediu desculpas por suas transgressões contra nós.

    He apologized for his trespasses against us.

  • Ele pediu desculpas por tê-la ofendido.

    He apologized for having offended her.

  • Eu lhe devo um pedido de desculpas.

    I owe you an apology.

  • Eu não tinha o direito de interferir.

    I had no right to interfere.

  • Eu nunca quis te enganar.

    I never meant to deceive you.

  • Foi culpa minha.

    It was my fault.

  • Isso é para esclarecer o mal-entendido.

    This is to clear up the misunderstanding.

  • Me perdoe!

    Forgive me!

  • Me perdoe, por favor.

    Pardon me, please.

  • Peço desculpas pelo atraso no envio da pauta.

    I apologize for the delay in sending the agenda.

  • Peço desculpas por estar atrasado.

    I'm sorry for being late.

  • Sentimos muito pelo erro dele.

    We are sorry for his mistake.

  • Sinto muito por ter imposto tanto a você.

    I am sorry I have imposed so much on you.

  • Tom admitiu que derramou o vinho tinto.

    Tom admitted to spilling the red wine.

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