Portuguese Sentences About Cooking

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Welcome to Clozemaster, your ultimate destination for enhancing your Portuguese vocabulary through authentic Portuguese sentences and phrases! Our specially curated list of 20 essential cooking-related sentences is perfect for intermediate Portuguese learners looking to spice up their language skills. Each sentence comes with text-to-speech audio to perfect your pronunciation, accompanied by English translations for thorough understanding. Master the art of culinary conversation in Portuguese and savor the flavors of language acquisition with every bite-sized lesson. Whether you're a foodie or a language enthusiast, our interactive platform offers a delightful way to expand your Portuguese phrases repertoire in the kitchen and beyond.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Portuguese from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • A água congela a zero graus Celsius, certo?

    Water freezes at zero Celsius, right?

  • A massa do pão cresce lentamente na cozinha quente.

    The bread dough rises slowly in the warm kitchen.

  • A quantidade de farinha é suficiente.

    The quantity of flour is sufficient.

  • Como assim, você deixou cair a concha na panela?

    What do you mean you dropped the ladle in the pot?

  • Ela começou a picar o alho.

    She began to mince the garlic.

  • Ela precisou do dobro da quantidade de farinha para a receita do bolo.

    She needed double the amount of flour for the cake recipe.

  • Ele estava assando na carvão.

    He was grilling over charcoal.

  • Eu preparo bifes no churrasco.

    I cook steaks on the barbeque.

  • Eu temperei o peixe com sal e pimenta.

    I seasoned the fish with salt and pepper.

  • Experimente este molho.

    Try this sauce.

  • Ontem, eu assei salgados com cogumelos.

    Yesterday, I baked pastries with mushrooms.

  • Os caroços de pêssego são difíceis de remover.

    The peach pits are difficult to remove.

  • Para fazer uma torta, você precisa de ovos, manteiga e açúcar.

    To make a tart, you need eggs, butter, and sugar.

  • Por favor, esprema as laranjas para fazer um suco fresco.

    Please squeeze the oranges to make some fresh juice.

  • Tom está grelhando carne.

    Tom is grilling meat.

  • Tom fez para si mesmo um sanduíche de manteiga de amendoim.

    Tom made himself a peanut butter sandwich.

  • Tom mexeu a sopa.

    Tom stirred the soup.

  • Uma pequena quantidade de conhaque é adicionada ao creme de leite batido.

    A small amount of brandy is added to the whipped cream.

  • Use uma peneira para escorrer a massa.

    Use a sieve to drain the pasta.

  • Você sabe fazer uma omelete?

    Can you cook an omelet?

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