Portuguese Sentences About Daily Routines

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Welcome to your go-to resource for strengthening your intermediate Portuguese vocabulary with practical phrases! Our curated list of 20 Portuguese sentences centered around "Daily Routines" comes equipped with crystal-clear text-to-speech audio, ensuring accurate pronunciation, and handy English translations to confirm comprehension. Immerse yourself in the rhythm of everyday life in Portugal or Brazil as you master key Portuguese phrases and sentences that will make your language skills shine. Dive into our interactive learning experience and boost your confidence in using Portuguese in real-world situations. Start now and make your journey to fluency in Portuguese as seamless as your daily routine!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Portuguese from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • As manhãs podem ser difíceis sem café.

    Mornings can be tough without coffee.

  • Ela começou a se despir para dormir.

    She began to undress for bed.

  • Ela quebra alguma coisa toda vez que limpa o quarto.

    She breaks something every time she cleans the room.

  • Ele acorda cedo.

    He wakes up early.

  • Ele fumou um cigarro depois do jantar.

    He smoked a cigarette after dinner.

  • Ele passou a manhã amarrando nós.

    He spent the morning tying knots.

  • Eles encerram a reunião ao meio-dia.

    They conclude the meeting at noon.

  • Ele toma vitaminas.

    He takes vitamins.

  • Jason passou a manhã pescando.

    Jason spent his morning fishing.

  • No dia a dia, temos muitas obrigações e responsabilidades.

    In everyday life, we have many obligations and responsibilities.

  • Nós reciclamos garrafas vazias hoje.

    We recycled empty bottles today.

  • Para lanche, ela come frutas ou nozes.

    For snacks, she eats fruit or nuts.

  • Passamos o dia ao ar livre.

    We spent the day outdoors.

  • Por que você está secando o seu cabelo?

    Why are you drying your hair?

  • Tom colocou uma coleira antipulgas no seu cachorro.

    Tom put a flea collar on his dog.

  • Tom perdeu uma lente de contato.

    Tom lost a contact lens.

  • Tom sabia que saladas eram saudáveis, então ele comia pelo menos uma salada por dia.

    Tom knew that salads were healthy, so he ate at least one salad a day.

  • Tom saiu da banheira.

    Tom got out of the bathtub.

  • Tom sempre faz seus deveres escolares com diligência.

    Tom always does his schoolwork diligently.

  • Tom teve uma semana agitada.

    Tom had a hectic week.

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