Portuguese Sentences About Society

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Welcome to Clozemaster, your go-to platform for boosting your Portuguese vocabulary with practical applications! Dive into our curated collection of 20 enlightening Portuguese sentences about "Society," complete with text-to-speech audio and accurate English translations. These sentences are designed to help intermediate Portuguese learners grasp phrases and vocabulary that are essential for engaging conversations about societal issues. Our interactive platform ensures that each Portuguese phrase enriches your language learning experience, making it both enjoyable and educational. Whether you're looking to refine your vocabulary or practice your pronunciation, these sentences will propel your Portuguese to new heights. Join us at Clozemaster and master the nuances of Portuguese society today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Portuguese from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • A cidade tinha muitas gangues.

    The city had lots of gangs.

  • A narrativa ofereceu um comentário social revelador sobre o estado do país.

    The narrative provided some eye-opening social commentary on the state of the country.

  • As mulheres não são objetos.

    Women are not objects.

  • As pessoas podem recorrer à lei se quiserem corrigir uma injustiça.

    People can turn to the law if they want to correct an injustice.

  • Ela é da comunidade etíope.

    She is from the Ethiopian community.

  • Ele ajudou os pobres ao longo de sua vida.

    He has helped the poor throughout his life.

  • Eles não devem intervenir nos assuntos internos de outro país.

    They should not intervene in the internal affairs of another country.

  • Ele virou as costas para as velhas tradições.

    He turned his back on the old traditions.

  • Eu jogo jogos de tabuleiro apenas para socializar.

    I play board games just to socialize.

  • Eu tentei me misturar.

    I tried to blend in.

  • Eu trabalho pelo bem-estar público.

    I work for public welfare.

  • Existem poucos lugares no mundo que permitam tais liberdades.

    There are few places in the world that give you such freedoms.

  • Muitos sonham com uma utopia perfeita.

    Many dream of a perfect utopia.

  • Nesse país, as pessoas cultuavam o dinheiro como um deus.

    In that country, people worshipped money like a god.

  • Nossa sociedade precisa trabalhar junta para combater a poluição.

    Our society needs to work together to stop pollution.

  • O crime está aumentando.

    Crime is increasing.

  • O público está reivindicando mais empregos e impostos mais baixos.

    The public is clamoring for more jobs and lower taxes.

  • Os shoppings são populares entre os adolescentes.

    Shopping malls are popular among teenagers.

  • Todos os homens são iguais.

    All men are equal.

  • Você disse que quase todos os seus amigos eram canadenses.

    You said almost all of your friends were Canadians.

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