Portuguese Sentences About Disagreeing

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Master your Portuguese vocabulary on disagreement with our selection of key phrases! Clozemaster invites intermediate learners to enhance their comprehension of Portuguese sentences through our engaging text-to-speech audio list. Delve into the art of expressing dissent by exploring 20 meticulously curated sentences about disagreeing in Portuguese, complete with English translations. Ideal for expanding your language skills, this resource offers practical, everyday Portuguese phrases facilitating authentic conversations. From polite refutations to assertive denials, our interactive exercises are designed to deepen your understanding and confidently communicate whenever viewpoints diverge. Unlock a more fluent future in Portuguese with Clozemaster today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Portuguese from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • A comissão rejeitou a proposta sob o argumento de que ela era inviável.

    The committee rejected the proposal on the grounds that it was impractical.

  • Ela discute só por discutir.

    She argues just for the sake of arguing.

  • Ela está recusando comer seus vegetais.

    She is refusing to eat her vegetables.

  • Ele é contrário ao novo plano.

    He is opposed to the new plan.

  • Ele enfrentou a perseguição religiosa.

    He stood against religious persecution.

  • Ele rejeitou o nosso plano.

    He objected to our plan.

  • Eles discutiram sobre o final do filme.

    They argued about the movie's ending.

  • Em geral, os jovens não gostam de formalidade.

    In general, young people dislike formality.

  • Eu fiquei decepcionado com você.

    I was disappointed with you.

  • Eu não concordo com ele.

    I don't agree with him.

  • Eu não consigo seguir a sua lógica.

    I cannot follow your logic.

  • Eu te proíbo de sair.

    I forbid you to leave.

  • Isso vai contra as minhas crenças.

    That goes against my beliefs.

  • Minha avó é muito teimosa e nunca muda de opinião.

    My grandmother is very stubborn and never changes her mind.

  • Minha opinião é irrelevante.

    My opinion is irrelevant.

  • Quem discordou?

    Who disagreed?

  • Suas opiniões são bem opostas às minhas.

    Your views are quite opposite to mine.

  • Um besouro não é um inseto.

    A beetle is not a bug.

  • Você está sempre duvidando da minha palavra.

    You are always doubting my word.

  • Você não pode negar a verdade.

    You cannot deny the truth.

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