Spanish Sentences About Art

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Master the colorful language of creativity with Clozemaster! Our curated collection of art-themed Spanish sentences, complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations, is tailored to boost your Spanish vocabulary. Immerse yourself in the vibrant world of art terminologies and expressions, perfect for intermediate Spanish learners eager to refine their linguistic skills. Don't just learn Spanish phrases—experience them as an artist would embrace their palette. With our list of 20 meticulously chosen sentences, you'll paint your path to fluency in Spanish conversations about art. Begin your journey to a richer vocabulary in Spanish with Clozemaster today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Spanish from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • A ella le encanta pintar, pero odia dibujar.

    She loves painting but hates drawing.

  • Dimos un aplauso al intérprete.

    We gave the performer a clap.

  • El artista crea esculturas impresionantes.

    The artist creates stunning sculptures.

  • El estilo del ilustrador es bastante caprichoso.

    The illustrator's style is quite whimsical.

  • Ella actuará en el concierto.

    She will perform at the concert.

  • El museo tenía una exposición de arte impresionante.

    The museum had a stunning display of art.

  • El retrato tenía un fondo oscuro.

    The portrait had a dark background.

  • Ese comediante es muy gracioso.

    That comedian is very funny.

  • Es la artista más talentosa que conozco.

    She's the most talented artist I know.

  • Esta conversación es una obra maestra.

    This conversation is a masterpiece.

  • Esta obra es un musical.

    This play is a musical.

  • Este poema lo escribió un poeta sin nombre.

    This poem was written by a nameless poet.

  • Es un artista excéntrico.

    He is an eccentric artist.

  • La obra está basada en hechos reales.

    The play is based on true events.

  • Los santos siempre se representan con un halo sobre la cabeza.

    Saints are always depicted with a halo over their heads.

  • Se dedicó a escribir poesía como una especie de consuelo.

    She turned to her writing of poetry as a kind of consolation.

  • Se quedó mirando boquiabierta el cuadro.

    He was gawking at the painting.

  • Su última creación es una obra maestra.

    His latest creation is a masterpiece.

  • Todos aplaudieron su actuación.

    Everyone was applauding his performance.

  • Tom vio las exposiciones.

    Tom saw the exhibits.

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