Serbian Sentences About Business

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Elevate your intermediate Serbian to a higher level with Clozemaster's expertly crafted resource! Our comprehensive list of 20 business-themed Serbian sentences is designed to enrich your Serbian vocabulary while providing real-world context. Each sentence comes with crystal-clear text-to-speech audio and precise English translations to ensure you grasp the nuances of Serbian phrases. Whether you're a diligent learner seeking to improve your language skills or a professional aiming to communicate effectively in the business sphere, these sentences are tailored for your success. Gain confidence and fluency with our interactive platform, the perfect tool for mastering the subtleties of Serbian with ease.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Serbian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Cena ovog artikla ne pokriva troškove njegove proizvodnje.

    The price of this article does not cover the cost of its manufacture.

  • Da li biste želeli da se pridružite našem timu?

    Would you like to join our team?

  • Da li imate izložbeni prostor za svoje proizvode u gradu?

    Do you have a showroom for your products in the city?

  • Frustracije su se povećavale kako se rok brzo približavao.

    Frustrations mounted as the deadline rapidly approached.

  • Gubitak iznosi iznosi milion dolara.

    The loss amounts to a million dollars.

  • Imamo ekskluzivno pravo da ih prodamo.

    We have the exclusive right to sell them.

  • Investirao je veliku sumu u akcije.

    He invested a large sum in stocks.

  • Naš tim radi na važnom projektu sledećeg meseca.

    Our team is working on an important project next month.

  • Novine se prodaju u kiosku.

    Newspapers are sold in the kiosk.

  • Odbor razmatra novi predlog za povećanje prodaje.

    The board is considering a new proposition to increase sales.

  • Ona će dostaviti paket sutra.

    She will deliver the package tomorrow.

  • Ona je spletkarila kako bi preuzela kompaniju.

    She was scheming to take over the company.

  • Ona je tražila kopiju izveštaja.

    She requested a copy of the report.

  • Oni prodaju zemlju po jutru.

    They sell land by the acre.

  • Plate su porasle.

    Salaries have increased.

  • Prevario ga je beskrupulozan diler.

    He was cheated by an unscrupulous dealer.

  • Sekretar je ubacio pismo u kovertu.

    The secretary inserted the letter in the envelope.

  • Sindikati su pretili vladi opštim štrajkom.

    The labor unions had been threatening the government with a general strike.

  • Uvek iskorišćava greške svojih rivala.

    He always takes advantage of the mistakes made by his rivals.

  • Volimo svoje kupce.

    We love our customers.

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