Serbian Sentences About Plants

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Welcome to Clozemaster, your ultimate platform for boosting your Serbian vocabulary and mastering intermediate Serbian phrases with ease! Our specially curated collection of 20 Serbian sentences about "Plants" comes complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations. Whether you're a language enthusiast or an avid learner, these immersive Serbian phrases will not only enhance your linguistic skills but also provide a fun and engaging way to solidify your knowledge of plant-related vocabulary. Dive in and start learning today, as our interactive audio will help you perfect your pronunciation and comprehension of essential Serbian terms. Join us now and watch your command of the Serbian language flourish!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Serbian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Baštovan prska ruže vodom.

    The gardener is spraying the roses with water.

  • Čokolada se pravi od kakao pasulja.

    Chocolate is made from cocoa beans.

  • Da li je ovo cvet?

    Is this a flower?

  • Ja sadim drvo naranče.

    I am planting an orange tree.

  • Kako mirišu karanfili?

    What do carnations smell like?

  • Ko je posadio drvo?

    Who planted the tree?

  • Kupio sam kaktus.

    I bought a cactus.

  • Naša bašta je prošle godine dala obilje kupusa.

    Our garden produced an abundance of cabbages last year.

  • Ovde uzgajamo pšenicu.

    We grow wheat here.

  • Posadite ovo seme pre nego što leto počne.

    Plant these seeds before summer sets in.

  • Posle kiše u šumi raste mnogo pečuraka.

    After the rain, many mushrooms grow in the forest.

  • Postoje biljke koje odbijaju insekte.

    There are plants that repel insects.

  • Pronašli smo mnogo čudnih biljaka u botaničkoj bašti.

    We found many strange plants in a botanical garden.

  • Ruže u vrtu cvetaju.

    The roses in the garden are blooming.

  • Tom je zalio cveće.

    Tom watered the flowers.

  • Uzgajaj svoje povrće kod kuće.

    Grow your own vegetables at home.

  • Vrt je dizajniran da stvori harmoničan balans između prirode i arhitekture.

    The garden was designed to create a harmonious balance between nature and architecture.

  • Zalij biljke.

    Water the plants.

  • Zasadio sam seme u bašti.

    I planted a seed in the garden.

  • Želim da zasadim baštu povrća.

    I want to plant a vegetable garden.

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