Serbian Sentences About Languages

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Dive into the world of Serbian with our interactive language learning platform! Our expertly crafted page features 20 enlightening Serbian sentences, complete with English translations and authentic text-to-speech audio. Perfect for those looking to expand their Serbian vocabulary, grasp essential Serbian phrases, and challenge their intermediate Serbian skills. Each sentence is designed to enhance your understanding and fluency, making it an indispensable tool for students and enthusiasts alike. Embrace the beauty of the Serbian language and elevate your learning journey with our meticulously selected examples. Start mastering Serbian with Clozemaster today and unlock a new realm of linguistic prowess!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Serbian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Ispravite moj izgovor.

    Please correct my pronunciation.

  • Kako se izgovara ova reč?

    How is the word pronounced?

  • Kultura uništava jezike.

    Culture destroys languages.

  • Latinski je klasični jezik.

    Latin is a classical language.

  • Nedavno sam počeo da učim španski.

    I recently started learning Spanish.

  • Objasnila je doslovno značenje fraze.

    She explained the literal meaning of the phrase.

  • Ona govori sa irskim akcentom.

    She speaks with an Irish accent.

  • On je tako dobar govornik engleskog jezika.

    He is such a good English speaker.

  • On uči mađarski jezik.

    He's learning the Hungarian language.

  • Ova reč ima dva značenja.

    This word has two meanings.

  • Ova reč je sastavljena od jednog sloga.

    This word is made up of one syllable.

  • Ovi prevodi ne obuhvataju originalno značenje.

    These translations don't capture the original meaning.

  • Šta znači ova reč?

    What does this word mean?

  • Ti govoriš tečno na engleskom.

    You speak fluent English.

  • Tom predaje francuski.

    Tom teaches French.

  • Trebali biste istrajati u svojim naporima da naučite engleski.

    You should persist in your efforts to learn English.

  • Učenje finskog zahteva vreme.

    Learning Finnish takes time.

  • Uporedite svoj prevod sa njegovim.

    Compare your translation with his.

  • U Tunisu svako može dobro da govori francuski.

    Everyone can speak French well in Tunisia.

  • Volim govoriti velški.

    I like speaking Welsh.

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