Serbian Sentences About Making Plans

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Welcome to Clozemaster, the ultimate platform for boosting your Serbian vocabulary! Dive into our curated selection of 20 practical Serbian sentences geared towards helping you master the art of making plans. Accompanied by authentic text-to-speech audio, our interactive list ensures you not only learn the phrases but perfect your pronunciation too. Whether you're at the intermediate Serbian level or just keen to brush up on your skills, our intuitive English translations guide you through each step. Get ready to converse confidently and plan seamlessly in Serbian with the essential expressions you'll find here. Start learning today and add these indispensable Serbian phrases to your language repertoire!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Serbian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Da li imamo dadilju za večeras?

    Do we have a babysitter for tonight?

  • Dođite rano sutra.

    Come early tomorrow.

  • Imam previous sastanak.

    I have a previous appointment.

  • Ja imam dve karte za koncert.

    I've got two tickets for the concert.

  • Kada ćeš stići na zabavu?

    When will you arrive at the party?

  • Mi ćemo slaviti moj rođendan sledeće nedelje.

    We will celebrate my birthday next week.

  • Nađimo se u 5 pm.

    Let's meet at 5 pm.

  • Nađimo se u kuhinji.

    Let's meet in the kitchen.

  • Njegov plan je bio odbačen.

    His plan was discarded.

  • Odmah odlazim.

    I am leaving right now.

  • Ona je promenila svoje planove.

    She altered her plans.

  • Ona namerava da igra tenis.

    She intends to play tennis.

  • Ona uvek ima rezervni plan.

    She always has a backup plan.

  • Planirali smo različite destinacije za odmor.

    We planned different destinations for vacation.

  • Pozvaću ga na večeru.

    I will invite him to dinner.

  • Procesija će početi na centralnom trgu.

    The procession will make its start at the central square.

  • Tom i Meri su posetili Severnu Evropu.

    Tom and Mary visited Northern Europe.

  • Tom i Meri su razgovarali o svemu što su želeli da rade na svom predstojećem odmoru.

    Tom and Mary talked about everything they wanted to do on their upcoming vacation.

  • Uskoro idemo na odmor.

    We're going on a vacation soon.

  • Završavamo dizajn danas.

    We are finalizing the layout today.

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