Serbian Sentences About Math

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Welcome to our dedicated resource designed for learners looking to enhance their Serbian vocabulary, specifically in the realm of math! This page offers a curated collection of 20 Serbian sentences, complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations, to aid your journey to intermediate Serbian fluency. Master essential Serbian phrases and intricate terminology that will allow you to navigate mathematical conversations with confidence. Whether you're a student, a professional, or just passionate about languages, these Serbian sentences are a perfect tool to expand your linguistic skills and mathematical understanding. Listen, learn, and repeat to become proficient in math-related Serbian dialogue.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Serbian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Aritmetika je za mene zabavno i uzbudljivo.

    Arithmetic is fun and exciting for me.

  • Da biste izračunali zapreminu, pomnožite dužinu sa širinom i dubinom.

    To calculate the volume, multiply the length by the width by the depth.

  • Devedeset procenata proizvoda je prodato.

    Ninety percent of the product was sold.

  • Dodajte ovu kolonu brojki.

    Add up this column of figures.

  • Dva puta sedam je četrnaest.

    Two times seven is fourteen.

  • Dve trećine zaposlenih u ovoj kompaniji su inženjeri.

    Two-thirds of the employees of this company are engineers.

  • Koliko cifara ima taj broj?

    How many digits does that number have?

  • Koliko košta limenka puna penija?

    What is the worth of a jar full of pennies?

  • Matematika mi je omiljeni predmet.

    Mathematics is my favorite class.

  • Muzika je duša geometrije.

    Music is the soul of geometry.

  • Ne postoji Nobelova nagrada za matematiku.

    There is no Nobel Prize in mathematics.

  • Oduzmi dva od deset i imaš osam.

    Subtract two from ten and you have eight.

  • Ona ima devet jabuka u korpi.

    She has nine apples in her basket.

  • Ona je rešila kompleksnu jednačinu.

    She solved the complex equation.

  • Ona je stvarno dobra u matematici.

    She's really good at math.

  • On je razumeo kompleksnu jednačinu.

    He understood the complex equation.

  • Pita je isečena na polovine.

    The pie was cut into halves.

  • Podrazumevana vrednost je nula.

    The default value is zero.

  • Promenljiva u ovoj jednačini je nepoznata.

    The variable in this equation is unknown.

  • Pronađite dimenziju ovog podprostora.

    Find the dimension of this subspace.

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